
5 Tips For New Bloggers to start with

Blogging is not an easy task to deal with. There are millions and billions of blogs running on internet across various niches.



Himanshi Lydia Singh


Blogging is not an easy task to deal with. There are millions and billions of blogs running on internet across various niches. Blogging is a passion-driven profession however it doesn't guarantee any results in the near future. You need to crawl 1000 miles to be noticed. There are little baby steps which every amateur blogger can take to live up to the expectations. Blogging could be fun after this and it could be easy to get noticed as well.

1. Define The Genre:

The kind of audience we want to engage depends upon the genre of the blog. It is absolutely important to find a definite genre followed by a topic which resonates with the theme of the blog.


2. Build A Story:

Content is the ultimate king, however story telling is an art. A relevant topic isn?t enough to decide everything. The blog needs to be presented properly. A good researched content can only be viral if it?s presented like a story.



It is difficult to keep the interest of the people alive throughout the blog post. People tend to grasp and follow those posts where a good usage of Images and graphs has been made. The next generation philosophy is to typically present the date in graphical manner. A research says the data should be ideally presented in ratio of 60:40, i.e. sixty percent of the matter should be contextual and rest in picture, graph, and image or flowchart format.


4. Social Sharing:

In the initial stages of blogging all marketing efforts need to be practiced separately. The visibility can only be gained via social user engagement. Making a blog and posting content isn?t enough. It needs to be read by the users as well. It should be shared and re shared amongst people. There are multiple social community pages on the internet. The blog needs to be heavily promoted there to gather more and more people on board.


5. Choose A Time:

There are some peak hours and some low hours for every blog. Some kinds of research will always be required to find the highest response rate time of the users. The best way to judge it is via posting content at various indefinite hours to check the user engagement ratio of the people at various time slots.


6.Read, Write & Focus:

In order to create a good post it is important to read few of them. A blogger needs to be heavily doped with knowledge. The quality writing can only be admired once your sure what do you really want to write about? A pensive confident material requires intense reading and heavy research from the blogger.


These are some of the powerful tips that every blogger must follow while getting handy with a blog. It may not come up as easy task in first go however with redundant trail and errors accuracy may hit soon. You?ll soon find it an easy and well established approach to be followed for blogging.



Himanshi Lydia Singh

Believer, mother, creative thinker, blogger and a compulsive entrepreneur, i love, live & write with passion.

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