Beyond Limits: Unstoppable Vamini Sethi's Tale of Resilience and Triumph
Corporate leader and mountaineer Vamini Sethi is on a trailblazing mission to conquer the seven summits of the world and share her life lessons along the way.

Mountain climbing isn’t for the faint-hearted. Neither is choosing a career in business continuity and resilience management. “For it gets hard before it gets easy"—Vamini would attest to that. This Punjabi-Kudi, who once struggled with being overweight, is among the few to have completed the rigorous Siachen Civilian Trek, her name etched in the Limca Book of Records for riding the longest distance in a foreign country. She is now on a mission to scale the seven summits.
Her journey into fitness and endurance sports is a tale of inner transformation and courage. Fond of riding, Vamini attempted her first 10-kilometer ride which changed her life. Thrilled by her first milestone, she pursued more adventure treks and climbs while balancing a full-time career. The wins encouraged her.
Supported by her loving husband and family, she continued to train, ramp up her physical fitness, and find sponsors for her expeditions. In 2019, she had a life-altering moment when, short of 548 meters of conquering Mt. Everest, inclement weather conditions forced the mountaineers to abort the climb. The experiences of facing the tough, tall mountains, standing on cliffs, and making life decisions, gave Vamini invaluable life lessons, which she later shared in a TEDx talk.
This celebrated mountaineer has a leadership position at Marsh McLennan and is a dedicated mom. Returning to intense training after motherhood was challenging, but resilience and discipline helped her beat the odds. “Balancing a demanding corporate career with the rigorous demands of mountaineering training was always a challenge, requiring meticulous planning and dedication. This balance took a new dimension as I became a mother two years ago. The journey back to mountaineering involved not only regaining physical strength but also managing the emotional aspects of redefining my dual identity as a mother and a mountaineer. Gradually, I've reestablished my training regimen, carefully balancing time with my family and career. This comeback has been a testament to resilience, showing that with patience and perseverance, you can successfully navigate major life transitions.”
Life, career, and choices have their peaks and troughs. Staying on course, changing paths, and sometimes taking a step back is the only recourse. The climb to the top is worth the wait. Unstoppable Vamini has her eyes set on her next summit, be it her organizational goals or the next expedition inspiring the next generation of leaders to break the limits.
On my Vision Board: Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, “I will try again tomorrow.”
Awards and accolades:
- Scaling mountains such as Mt. Kilimanjaro and Mt. Everest.
- YTEDx Speaker
- Record holder in the Limca Book of Records for riding the longest distance in a foreign country.
Words of wisdom for future women leaders: Follow your passion, but remember, you don't have to give up your job to pursue what you love. Balancing your personal aspirations with a career is not only possible; it's empowering.
Lady-boss inspiration: All women who are breaking down their limitations and moving forward in their lives.
My favourite travel itinerary: I prefer destinations where I can pursue climbing opportunities and relax with my family. My latest sojourns have been to Indonesia, Vietnam, and the Borneo islands in Malaysia.
Must-haves for all women leaders: Self-confidence, resilience, the ability to mentor and inspire others, and a solid support system.
The biggest money lesson: Financial independence is crucial. Start saving from your first salary. Early investments allow your money to grow and accumulate over time
What makes me unstoppable: My relentless determination and adaptability, coupled with a passion for continuous growth and improvement. I strive to leave a mark and inspire others by showing that stepping beyond limits can lead to incredible experiences. With determination and courage, ordinary people can do extraordinary things.
Connect with Vamini Sethi

I-221, 4th Floor, Hilton Drive Avenue, Sec-50, Gurgaon, 122018, Haryana