Slowly arising from a place Dwells between real and imaginary, Senses are blurred and defenses are still down Mind is fervently searching to put It's anchor of thoughts, someplace.

Slowly arising from a place Dwells between real and imaginary, Senses are blurred and defenses are still down Mind is fervently searching to put It's the anchor of thoughts, someplace. In the distant horizon, a vista opens up, With a promise of safety and warmth, The mind (can u replace mind with some other word) is drawn to it, Amidst all the cacophony and background noise it finds a shadowy groove, Silvery moonlight filtering through Illuminating and concealing all at the same time. Creating a field between dream and wakefulness, Pulsating with possibilities to be deciphered. Nothing is right or wrong, As we go about picking our choices, Trying to play our best game, Stumbling, falling, rising, wiping our salty faces, We try and gather memories before our existence, Slowly fades into oblivion.



I-221, 4th Floor, Hilton Drive Avenue, Sec-50, Gurgaon, 122018, Haryana