
Wedding Industry Insights: Wisdom From 3 Women Entrepreneurs





The wedding industry is one that has been around for centuries. Yet, these 3 women have swept in, putting their ideas into various niches, and have revolutionised the way weddings happen.

Kalyani Khona and Inclov

Matrimonial sites in India are nothing new. But one specifically for the disabled, and one that helps them find romance was one Kalyani decided to found. Initially called Wanted Umbrella, this app, in her own words, focuses on finding a life partner for people with disabilities and with health disorders. Kalyani Khona, founder of Inclov. While the public was skeptical about it, Kalyani found that her customer base was not only viable but also enthusiastic about the idea.

Once she realized the potential, she decided to make the project work not just in Mumbai, but across the country. After a round of crowdfunding, she founded Inclov, a derivative of Inclusive Love. The aim isn't to segregate persons with disabilities from the other sections of the society- it is to make society inclusive. The app is open to everybody regardless of their physical condition. The app has highly unique features and also checks to prevent bullying or misuse. In all, a brilliant idea by an amazing woman.

Kaviya Kamaraj and Tamil Brides Guide

Weddings are one of the biggest industries in India. Yet a lot of people are fairly clueless about small things like attire and jewelry, and thus, can be taken advantage of. Kaviya founded the Tamil Brides Guide to help overcome this problem, at least in the south of India.  From a Facebook group to founding a company, Kaviya Kamaraj has taken the wedding industry by storm. The venture started off as a Facebook page, offering tips as to how to find sarees or apply make-up, to help clueless brides out.

Seeing the almost viral response her page got, she decided to expand on it and decided to become an intermediate between brides and vendors. She started off by working with freelancers, but this soon took off into a full-scale business, which she manages with graceful ease. TBG now runs in Tamil Nadu, Bangalore, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Mumbai, and Kerala. It also hosts workshops and has a training school as well. A great way of seizing a niche and taking it by storm. 

Ginny Kohli and WedWise

After graduating from Aston University, UK, and experiencing a few years of corporate life, Ginny Kohli wanted to put her skills into something that was her own brainchild. She decided to found a platform for all manner of services which are wedding related to display their services and gain popularity. She defined it as an effort to help prospective brides and grooms to get ideas, discover new trends and book authentic and credible wedding vendors through real-time recommendations.

Ginny Kohli and her company, WedWise, have made consumers breathe easier across the nation. She wanted to make it a place where vendors could get clients and peddle their services without having to pay exorbitant advertising fees. She did this by starting a Facebook community where both customers and clients could come under one roof and mingle. The community gets thousands of queries every day about all manner of things, and the answers are both accurate and helpful. WedWise, her company has also started India's first wedding channel, WedWise TV, on YouTube, to help consumers know the intricacies of planning a wedding in India. Here's to WedWise making us better at mapping out details. 

If these women could do it, so can you! Have any ideas? Let us know in the comments or via email.




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