Style , Beauty
DIY Effective Face Masks Using Basic Ingredients At Home
Staying indoors and just sitting back and relaxing has very soon transformed into a difficult task from a desired longing. What are you up to girls? Indulging in some skincare would definitely be a good idea. It will help your skin regain it's naturalglow and will make you feel good while you stay alone. Are you worried about sourcing the ingredients? If yes, then take a chill pill as the following mentioned masks use very basic ingredients which are right there in your kitchen. You just need to assemble them in a bowl and get started. So when you want to give your skin some TLC, but leaving the vicinity of your abode is impossible, try these mask recipes. Let your skin thrive and glow while you're inside.
Yogurt Face Masks
Daily travel and unhealthy lifestyle are the major causes for the poor skin we have got these days. This very basic homemade Yoghurt face mask will cleanse your skin and help it rejuvenate. It is also useful in tightening the pores. You need not go out to give your face a quick aid.
In a bowl take 1 teaspoon of plain yoghurt, teaspoon orange juice, 1 teaspoon aloe vera gel.
Stir the mixture well to create a semi-solid paste.
Apply the paste on your face and neck and let it sit for about 15-20 minutes.
Rinse it off with lukewarm water.
Papaya Lightening Mask
Papaya is very effective for treating skin with hyperpigmentation, uneven skin tones and even sunburns or spots. The Papaya mask can be very useful in removing those stubborn pigments around your lips, which have been bothering you for long.
In a bowl take half a cup of mashed papaya and two tablespoons of honey.
Blend them together to form a thick paste.
Apply the paste gently on the affected areas or even on the whole face and let it sit for about 15-20 minutes.
Rinse it off and moisturize your skin for better results.
The Fruity Face Mask
This organic tropical face mask will give your skin a very healthy, natural-looking glow. It is also designed to be gentle enough on all skin types.
In a bowl, mash half a banana and add 1 tablespoon of orange juice and 1 tablespoon of honey in it.
Blend them together and create a thick paste. There might be some lumps which is totally fine.
Apply the mask on your face and let it sit for 15 minutes.
Rinse it off with lukewarm water and then moisturize.
The Buttery Hydration Mask
To collect the ingredients of this next face mask you just need to walk up till your fridge. It will leave your face feeling smooth and supple. It is an exfoliating mask, which is always a nice option.
In a bowl take cup of buttermilk and 2 tablespoons of fresh yoghurt.
Stir it well to make a paste.
Apply it on the face while you are free as you require to keep it on for at least an hour.
Wash it off and get set go! There you get the glow like never before.
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