
Mala Rishi: How this engineer turned social worker is bringing big change.

In conversation with Dr. Manisha Kaushik, Ms. Mala Rishi talks about her fulfilling journey as a social worker.



Manisha Kaushik


People who are making this world a better place are not superheroes with magical powers, but ordinary individuals with extraordinary compassion and determination to create positive change. One such person is Ms. Mala Rishi - Innerwheel District Chairman 301, Delhi who is always there for other people. 

In conversation with Dr. Manisha Kaushik, THEWOOMAG, Ms. Mala Rishi talks about her fulfilling journey as a social worker.

Dr. Manisha Kaushik: We know you as the district chairman of such an esteemed district. We would like to hear your story - what led you to join Innerwheel?

Ms. Mala Rishi: I did engineering in electronics and communications. After that, I did a full-time job for a few years, but I could not continue it for some reason. At that time, we didn't have a work-from-home facility and too much support from people. So, I left my job and started looking after my children.

One day, one of my friends suggested me to join Inner Wheel. I heard about the Inner Wheel Club for the first time. This was my chance to do something positive on a big scale. So, I became a member of Inner Wheel.

Dr. Manisha Kaushik: A few of us know the Inner Wheel, but some need to learn what the Inner Wheel does. So, what, according to you, is Inner Wheel, and would you like to give a message to come forward and join this wonderful all-women organization?

Ms. Mala Rishi: Inner Wheel is a platform where ladies get together not for kitty parties but to know and understand society. At the Inner Wheel, we all go together to the slum areas, schools, and villages, and people recognize that we are doing something for the sake of others. Initially, the members wonder, "Oh, I will have to contribute this much money.

But slowly, the people from good walks of life realize that, oh yes, today, I can do something apart from what I have been doing till now. Some are engineers, some are doctors, and some are educationists; we learn a lot from each other. Every stage is a learning stage, and I have been learning even now. It made me such a better person.

Dr. Manisha Kaushik: Inner Wheel is a very big community. I have heard that "Once in Inner Wheel" is always in the "Inner Wheel." Do you think it is a community that grows together and allows women to stand apart?

Ms. Mala Rishi: Yes, so many women come together based on friendship and to work for a community.


Dr. Manisha Kaushik: For how many years have you been into Inner Wheel? And why did you decide to take up this journey of becoming district chairman?

Ms. Mala Rishi: It has been 15 years now. Initially, I just stayed within the club, where everyone worked on different projects. It was a lovely journey for a few years. Then somebody said, "Oh! You are so good at everything. You must take up some responsibility at a senior level".

Dr. Manisha Kaushik: I understand that it has all come to you in a flow, and you are doing a fabulous job. Have you ever faced any challenges in doing any project at Inner Wheel? What are the areas of focus which you had in mind? Were you able to touch on it?

Ms. Mala Rishi: So, let me tell you about a multi-faceted project which I saw in the beginning years of Inner Wheel. I attended a project in which a solar dryer was given to a school for looking after children with special needs.

I was truly fascinated by that project. Children were taught to clean various leafy vegetables and were asked to cut the vegetables and put them for drying in that solar dryer. And these dried-up items to be cooked or baked by them. So the environment, education, vocation, salary, everything could be taken care of.

Similarly, this year, an impactful and sustainable project was done for the national association of Blinds, where visually impaired girls were given vocational training in handicrafts, baking, cancer detection, etc.

Here the baking unit and cafe would be run by the girls. The call center's simulation center consumes a lot of electricity. So installing solar panels saves almost 45-50% on electricity costs. So, the money saved here will be used for running the organization and training the girls.

Dr. Manisha Kaushik: Wow! This project is very close to your heart and will go a long way since something like this, which is done, is there forever. It is wonderful when you impact society. Mala ji, can fundraising help Inner Wheel to do bigger projects?

Ms. Mala Rishi: When women want to do small projects, they can fund themselves. But let's use that solar panel example. It takes about 10 lacs, and some projects cost 20 or 30 lacs, for which we need fundraising. Recently I had a requirement for making a building for raising girl children. We will need crores for that building. Here fundraising really helps.

Dr. Manisha Kaushik: Has Inner Wheel changed you in any way?

Ms. Mala Rishi: Of course, it does change if you want to change for the better. But if you are negative and cannot change for many reasons, you will always remain negative. Of course, I have learned to love different types of people. If you are a working person, you learn a lot. But being a social organization, there are different types of learning.

Dr. Manisha Kaushik: That means that all those who are a part of Inner Wheel are helping others to grow. They are learning too many things from each other and learning to be together with different age groups. Sometimes people tell me that being a part of an NGO is very draining because they think they have to give money.

But here I understand from your talk that it is not just the money but the time and the input that need to be put in. It's about contributing what you have, and it may be your money, knowledge, or resources.

As a woman, we neglect ourselves. Is prioritizing and looking after ourselves important in today's world?

Ms. Mala Rishi: When you say self-care, one should prioritize ourselves because you can not make others happy if you are unhappy.

Dr. Manisha Kaushik: How do you deal with your emotional stress? Balancing a family and balancing a team is not easy.

Ms. Mala Rishi: It is difficult to answer because challenges are always there. Even the Inner Wheel is a challenge. If you focus on which challenge at a particular time you want to deal with, maybe you can deal with both challenges.

When you are together with so many women and learn daily from their experiences, you learn to deal with that problem. It's like meditation for all of us. If you do good for others, they take your positivity and do something in their life.


Dr. Manisha Kaushik: Does your family support you in your endeavors?

Ms. Mala Rishi: They allow me to give time to the Inner Wheel. When I was just a member at Inner Wheel, I used to divide my time between family and work. But as a district chairman, I think of the Inner Wheel 24/7.

My family supports me, seeing my passion for the Inner Wheel. They have also been brought up so that something for society is being done. Even my extended family helped me, and they didn't mind when I couldn't attend their parties.

Dr. Manisha Kaushik: I know it must not be easy sometimes when you have to take the call and prioritize Inner Wheel. But your family keeps supporting you when you do such wonderful work. Do you think that we can create an equitable society and there can be gender parity?

Ms. Mala Rishi: Let’s take an example of caste differentiation. Even today, when you visit a slum area or a village, that backward society is still there. So making an equitable society can take many years.

With everyone getting educated, we are thinking that women can learn and work and should be treated equally. It can take time, but it can happen, I am sure.

Dr. Manisha Kaushik: It's so nice to hear your positive thoughts on Inner Wheel. Before we wrap up, let's have a rapid fire. I will keep asking you continuously; you can answer me in one line.

What do you love?

Ms. Mala Rishi: Happiness

Dr. Manisha Kaushik: What is your major strength?

Ms. Mala Rishi: The end results were achieved.

Dr. Manisha Kaushik: What, according to you, is business all about? Is it about making money or something more?

Ms. Mala Rishi: You have to live in a society. So, of course, business is required.

Dr. Manisha Kaushik: When you face a challenge, what do you do first?

Ms. Mala Rishi: Focus on the most important work.

Dr. Manisha Kaushik: When someone discourages you, what do you do? Do you give up?

Ms. Mala Rishi: No, I take it as a challnege.

Dr. Manisha Kaushik: Do you have a fear of failure or loss?

Ms. Mala Rishi: It does happen, but the belief "it is not the end of the world" takes me out of that.

Dr. Manisha Kaushik: What do you do to unwind?

Ms. Mala Rishi: I watch television.

Dr. Manisha Kaushik: Amazing! According to you, what are women?

Ms. Mala Rishi: They are crazy.

Dr. Manisha Kaushik: What is your favorite quote?

Ms. Mala Rishi: Whoever is happy can make others happy.

Dr. Manisha Kaushik: Would you like to give a small message to all the viewers before we wrap up?

Ms. Mala Rishi: Yes. Always try to understand things from the outlook of another person. When we think of ourselves, we are always unhappy. The minute you look at the outlook of others, you become the happiest person. I know it requires patience. It is something that I learned from Inner Wheel

Dr. Manisha Kaushik: Would you like to tell viewers to come forward and join this organization to make a difference?

Ms. Mala Rishi: We need more and more people to join hands daily. This is because every day, new people come up with new ideas. This way, many people can come forward to donate in terms of teaching, healthcare, and more! It is only sometimes that you have that monetary power. It is about time you can contribute.

Dr. Manisha Kaushik: Before signing off, one word to describe you?

Ms. Mala Rishi: Can you describe me since you know me?

Dr. Manisha Kaushik: Yes, you are a multitasker and a lady with a beautiful smile. But I wanted to know something others need to be aware of.

Ms. Mala Rishi: I want to say, "I want to be happy and make others happy."

Dr. Manisha Kaushik: Wow! I really feel that you are a lady with a golden heart. Here I would say thank you, mala ji, for coming and enlightening the viewers on what Inner Wheel is and how we can make a difference in society. Thanks for being with me. Have a wonderful and blessed Sunday.

Ms. Mala Rishi: Thank you so much.

So, that was one powerful woman with some internal strength who chose to work for society. If you have an inspiring story, CLICK HERE to share it with us.






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