
From a Corporate Job to a Successful Image Consultant - How did she do it?

Nidhi Jagtiani shares how she reinvented and reshaped her success post career break





Just like most other women in India who must rethink their career options after marriage, I also found myself in the same situation. After one year break, I just couldn't get back to my corporate job. I felt shattered and lost hope for my career. In my heart, I couldn't afford to lose myself. To give myself a ray of hope, I started asking myself what if I didn't go back to a job but rather did something more valuable. There had to be something more meaningful for me to do.

Image consultancy a brand new profession

Then, I attended a seminar on Image Management. In the year 2012 Image Management was totally a new concept in India. No one believed that I should do a course like this. I did believe in the power of First Impressions, Grooming and overall Personality Development. And, given my passion to make the positive difference in people's lives, I decided to be an image consultant. 


Convincing family

Next thing was to convince my family. Thankfully, my husband came to my full support. It was difficult to make people around me understand what was I doing. I had to face many difficult questions. "Why should someone who was already a Post Graduate in Marketing study a new subject?" was one of the most asked questions. Many a time I felt alone. Training staff at Tangles Salon, Gurgaon.

 Determination is everything

Only way I could withstand all challenges and questioning was by sheer determination. I kept focussed and I did not let anything come my way. My marriage was too new at this time. I had to really balance it all and I think we women are blessed with it. Nidhi Jagtiani, the image consultantSo, studied a lot and gave some practical and written exams. I did not care what people were thinking of me. Finally, I got my Image Management Certificate and it was a huge achievement for me. But, the journey had just begun. I had to now establish myself in the industry. Conducted business communication training at oxirich group.

How I positioned myself

Slowly and patiently I started practicing what I learned. I did a lot of free seminars/workshops to show the value of Image Management to people. There were many obstacles and challenges. Image management, being a new concept in India, it was not easy to convince people to pay for it. After a lot of unpaid work, I started charging but, even then, finding clients wasn't easy. Conducted Monsoon Makeover Workshop.

Building network

Being an independent consultant sometimes becomes a very lonely journey and you feel the need of someone who could guide you if you are going the right way. And, image management is not yet a very talked about business, so the journey is even more lonely. Addressing Women At A Network Meeting. I realized that I really needed to meet and know people on priority basis. So, I started building my network as an important exercise. As an introvert, I had to change a few traits of my personality which was not easy at all. I joined several women networking groups like Gurgaon Network Circle, WOO Women On Own, Biz Divas and Women Energizers etc and made many valuable good contacts and leads.

Word of mouth marketing

My hard work paid. Today people praise my work as I gave my 100% to them and word of mouth has given me paid clients. I have been fortunate to have worked with renowned organisations like Pearl Academy of Fashion, Superware (Luxury Table Wear), Wizcraft International Limited, T-Series StageWorks, Promod (Women Fashion Brand), Shoppers Stop, FBB (Fashion by Big Bazaar), Airtel, IMT Ghaziabad to name a few Giving Tips to a customer at FBB Store in Gurgaon.

My focus

As an image consultant, my focus is how I can make my clients have great images, feel confident about themselves and be comfortable with the change. For this, I need to work on many areas of an individual's life. And, then I love to see the transformation from inside out.

I am my own critic

The good thing is that I am my own critic and I don't stop. I just go on! I have also kept a lot of patience to achieve this success. It is such a great compliment to know that today whenever there is a need of Image Consultant in Gurgaon, Nidhi Jagtiani is always mentioned. I would just like to say in the end that each one of us has the power and capability in us to make our dreams come true. There is no right age or time to follow your passion. People may not believe in you or your ideas in the beginning but when they see that you are determined and are an achiever, same people would be proud to stand with you and say she is my daughter, wife, mother or friend.




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