
Top 10 Mistakes Women Should Avoid At Jobs





We learn two ways. I made my own mistakes at work and learned from them. Sometimes I observed some other women committing those blunders and I vowed I would never do them in my life. Sharing some of the top 10 mistakes we women make in jobs and professional lives. You may have faced them once in your work life too. Read these and let us know if they echo any of your experiences. Let us know your views at the end of the article.

1. Taking A Backseat, Literally And Figuratively

I was a frontbencher all the years of my student life. But, when I joined my first job, things were different. There was so much competition among colleagues to be in the front, in the limelight, to be boss's favourite. I was a very soft person and a good worker too, but not smart and aggressive like others. I started taking backseat. My voice became less effective and had a very low confidence level. But, that was my first job. And, that became a stepping stone to my personal growth. No one would offer me the front seat. You need to grab that. I learned the secret to the front seat was through taking initiatives and more challenging responsibilities. Start taking up added responsibilities and fulfill them. How much useful you are in your workplace, how you make your seniors lives easy will determine your position in your company. Are you a front-runner, energetic and meaningful? Then soon, you will see you there, in the front. 

2. Accepting Lower Salaries

3. Doing Too Much For Free

Sometimes, it may be justified to accept lower salary when you are starting new or joining after a long sabbatical. But, believe me, I know women who charge more premium than their male counterparts. You know about WYSIWYG principle? What you see is what you get. How you see yourself is what that matters. So, when you are already a pro, know your worth and ask for what you are worth for. If you think you deserve the job and can do equal justice to it, you should not hesitate to ask for your due just because of being a woman. So, are you ready for a hike?

I have made that mistake and not just once. You are a woman. You are kind and soft-hearted. But, showing courtesy or helping someone is very different from being taken undue advantage of. Don't let people take you for granted in your relationships. Be wise and know when someone genuinely needs your help or someone is just using you. People are going to value your presence, your time and your work only when you, yourself value it; otherwise people at work will feel free to pile your desk with the work that you will not even get paid for.

4. Treating Other Women Like Adversaries 

Top 10 Mistakes Women Should Avoid At The Job. Everyone is in a competition spree at workplaces. But, women forget that their competition is not just with other women but with other men also. Many women have confided in me that they faced problems in jobs, not because of male colleagues but due to female colleagues, bosses etc. We let our jealousies, judgments, insecurities work against each other. Agree? And, in the process, we lose respect and trust in each other. This works against us as a community in whole. You, being a woman, should rather stand with and up for other women colleagues, create a support system at your workplace. And, you will see more women workforce around you. 

5. Displaying A Timid Personality

You can't help the way you are whether you are timid or strong. But, you can definitely try to put up a strong face to the world. Actually, when you practice that, you will become one if the process. I was once very timid and shy. I would be in tears if someone said anything harsh to me. But, then I worked on myself. And, today, people know me as a strong woman. It's not that I don't feel hurt or I don't have emotions, but I know how to manage my emotions. The world respects what it sees. So, be a braveheart, face the world. You will see that you will influence many women with your new avatar. People at work will take you more seriously and trust you more if you are strong than weak. Baby, it may be hard, but it is like that. 

6. Overusing the Feminine Wiles


Seriously, I have seen women doing it and suffering at the cost of their jobs, their careers. This is a very short-term idea. Your feminine or sexy  side will not help you as much as your quality of work that you do, It is good to have feminine energy in the workplaces though. Imagine a workplace where there are only men. How boring an unattractive! It is also okay to look your best and presentable, but if your attire, accessories or mannerisms are too distracting or sexy, then it would cast an impression that you are frivolous and your male colleagues and bosses would not take you seriously. And, then, you wonder why a geek looking woman got the promotion and not you.

7. Giving Away Your Power

It's okay o be a woman and play hardball in the boardroom. Each time you stand up there accountable for your organisation as a stakeholder and not as a woman. You can only control a horse if you hold its reins tightly. Staying firm and resolute in your decisions is very important. If you are the one wanting to break the glass ceiling, you need to as a person beyond your sexuality. For example, when I connect with people in professional domain, I see them more as people and not as men or women. This makes me comfortable in my communication and and justifiable in my decision making.

8. Confusing Business with Personal Issues

Moving on  is the way to go when dealing with personal problems at work. I don't know of statistics if men are better at not allowing personal issues interfere with their work, but many women definitely struggle in this area. I also had to gain some maturity with age to not let my personal, familial issues overpower my work life. It takes time to master the art but you can do it which will help you have better relationships and more efficiency at work.

9Not Seeking Mentor

Seeking a mentor. Really want to grow in your job. Then, find a mentor. Someone who is mature, understanding, compassionate and is experienced in one's area is good enough to be your mentor. Look around yourself and analyze people. You will find them. What can be better than building mentor-mentee relationships in the office? It is very important to seek help and guidance at work through a friendly bond, for better professional growth in the job and for adding on to one's achievements. I have a social media mentor, a business mentor, a spiritual mentor besides many people I learn directly and indirectly from. You can do it too.

10. Letting the Desire to Be Liked Get In The Way

You attention-hungry or seeking peoples approval all the time. It is good to be liked by people at work, but at the same time, too much focus on being liked will affect your decisions and opinions. You must learn to say, no. when you should. Do not let the fear of being disliked get in the way of voicing your opinions, taking decisions that are right for the organization or objecting to anything that is wrong. I still do face tough situations at times that some people may not like me due to my firm mindset, but I am not in the popularity contest. For my what is right is right without a compromise.




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