17 Ways To Live A Stress Free and a Mindful Life
It's Time For Stress To Fly Away

Whether you're 15 or 53, stress is a daily phenomenon. Methods and cures have been targeted towards distraction or suppression of these intense feelings of anxiousness. So finally, instead of trying to distract yourself from this constant ongoing battle of thoughts in your mind, here are 17 ways to combat and dive in headfirst to face the challenge called STRESS.
1. Vent out
Bottling up feelings of grief, anxiety, and despair can lead to an emotional explosion at the tiniest of things. Find a safety valve that makes you feel comfortable and use it to dump out these negative emotions and make way for brighter, happier things. Have you tried writing a journal? It is very therapeutic, but only for those who would love to do it.
2. Sing as loud as you can
Maybe don't try this in densely populated public spaces or do! Music is a scientifically proven stress buster. So even though your voice may not be appealing to you, make those shower performances a routine.
3. Confide in friends
Try to find friends you can confide in and who will not judge you. It may even be yourself too. Talking to yourself, although deemed to be crazy, turns out, it is a sign of genius. It helps you materialize your thoughts and unweave the clutter in your mind.
4. Don't depend on just one emotional outlet
If you constantly find comfort in the same activity or person or in the same situation, you tend to create a pit of suppressed, overwhelming feelings that are caged within it. What if it ceases to exist. Suppose your special friend goes away. Depending on just one outlet can be dangerous. Try to find multiple ways to overcome stress.
5. Make a 'pdf' of happiness
Whether it's a poster with pictures of things that make you happy or whether it's a file in your desktop with funny videos, always have this little packet of sunshine in an accessible, convenient place for you to use whenever there's a rainy day.
6. Know your boundaries
Overexertion is one of the key stress inducers. You have to realize when you've had enough, whether it's in terms of a toxic relationship or work or even the tiniest of things. You need to know when to stop. Because your mind and your body can only take on so much.
7. Pamper your body
Don't let your body reach the stage of exhaustion. Know when your body is crying for help. Complete body spa, head massage, pedicure & manicure, foot reflexology or acupressure, do something to treat your body. Eat good food and sleep.
8. Nourish your soul too
Self-love is excruciatingly important but it's so much deeper than putting a face mask on. So, nourish your soul. Read books that entice you, listen to music, dance in the rain. Don't let go of the 6-year-old within you, because although you may not remember it, life was a lot less stressful when you were 6.
9. Meditate
By learning to calm your body and mind, your physical and emotional stress can melt away. This leaves you feeling better, refreshed, and ready to face the challenges of your day with a healthy attitude. In today's tech-savvy world meditation has become easier than ever before, applications like "headspace" and "calm" allow beginners to easily unlock the world of meditation step by step.
10. Find what makes you happy and pour your soul into it
Although it's said every so often, we just don't seem to realize that we only have this one life. Find something that makes you want to wake up every day and put your all into it. Loving what you do makes the work so much less stressful.
11. Invest time in your relationships
Real, meaningful relationships are excessively important for your holistic development and thus a happy, stress-less life. Having someone you love and trust has been proven to reduce anxiety, combat stress and exude feelings of happiness. The second happiness walks into the picture, stress can do nothing but walk out of it.
12. Plan to execute
Plan..plan and plan...positive impacts are boundless. By this, you understand your next move. When the destination is clear, the path that's to be paved to reach there automatically becomes less difficult. For example, if you want to explore the world, save a little bit every week and create goals that you need to meet, that way your dreams are converted into reality, bit by bit, in front of your own eyes.
13. Be optimistic
Finding the worst in every situation only creates boundaries around you. When your mind is conditioned to think you can't do it, your body responds to that thought with feelings of lethargy and unproductiveness. Find the good in everything and things will turn out to be positive.
14. Exercise!
Following a daily exercise routine, be it yoga or gym or jog or anything, is a proven stress buster. When you exercise or engage in any physical activity, your body produces endorphins in the brain. These endorphins act as natural painkillers that reduce stress, take away body pains and improve sleep.
15. Treat your body like a temple
Letting go of foods that have become our only source of comfort seems devastating, however, what they're doing to your body is even worse. Consuming an excessively sugary diet is linked to rapid mood swings and body dis-functionality, which automatically induces stress.
16. A mess can definitely cause stress.
Whether it's in your mind or in your surroundings, clutter has never proven useful. Make sense of your thoughts as well as your environment and avoid clutter.
17. Know that things get better
Relying on the universe and letting it do its job seems so very difficult for those of us who want to shape our own destiny. What you need to realize is that grief and pain, monsters in the world of stress, don't just go away. Time heals, wounds heal and life moves on, so let the world do what's best for you. You must work with it, not against it.
Ultimately, living a mindful, satisfying life is a step-by-step process that requires daily effort and consistency. Working hard on your mental health and putting in effort into your happiness has boundless positive outcomes. We have this one little life to live, let's find a happier way to live it.


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