
Success Tips for Women who want to Change Careers.



Himanshi Lydia Singh


Switching careers once used to be a risky business since employers took it as a sign of unreliability. But with time, this common belief seems to have changed. Whether your current job is just not right for you or you wish to find something more meaningful, you can completely change the course of your career if you're ready, though there is still some risk associated with changing careers. One wrong move and you will end up losing time, confidence, and motivation to do something new. So, read the tips below and prepare yourself before that significant career change you're anticipating.

Make a Practical Choice

Trade Schools, Colleges, and Universities surveyed 2000 adults and found out that 78.06 % of people do not end up with the job they imagined to have as a child. Since a lot of people have compromised their pie-in-the-sky jobs for a more practical option, they start to dive in recklessly as soon as they see an opportunity to pursue their dreams. And this is something you must not do. Giving up a job and starting something new altogether need a lot of planning and thought. Hence, you may want to ask yourself a few questions before you begin:

  • Do I have the right skills for the role I am considering?

  • Does it have a scope in the future?

  • Will I be able to meet ends if I take it up? If you answer, yes? to these questions, consider that job you've been eyeing for so long and get to work.

Consider the Trending Careers

Many people decide to change careers because of many reasons such as the monotonous nature of their current jobs, no scope of growth, low income, etc. In such cases, it is always best to take the next step as per the latest career trends. If you don't have anything already planned out, explore various options that are fulfilling as well as in huge demand. Here are a few leading career options for women to help you narrow down your options:

  • Image Consulting: With the increasing competition, people from different walks of life want to become the best versions of themselves. And as an image consultant, you can help them do exactly that. Moreover, the image consulting industry is thousands of crores huge and offers huge earning potentials since the professionals can take up various image management roles with a single certification.

  • Life Coaching: As per PwC Research, 89% of Indians are aware of life coaching, and 59% have taken help from a life coach at some point in time. A life coach helps professionals make and meet their goals and usually charge up to INR 3000 per session.

  • Tutoring:  Education can never go out of trend. Hence, tutoring is a great option that doesn't require you to opt for any training program. If you have a passion for teaching, tutoring is the way to go.

  • Financial Planning: Every industry requires financial planning, and this is why certified financial planners are very likely to get the best job prospects in the coming decade.

  • Counselling: If you have an area of expertise, you can counsel people who may benefit from your experiences and earn a living at the same time.

Prepare Financially

If you have decided to switch careers, you will first need a financial plan in place because you may need to depend on your savings if you stop working. You may have to opt for formal training in the domain of your choice or start working at a lower income since you'd be starting fresh. And this means months of low or zero income. Hence, before you quit your job and prepare to embark on a new professional journey, ensure that you've thought through your financials. Here are a few things that will undoubtedly help if you happen to face a financial crisis during the switch:

  • Segregate your needs and wants to understand where you can cut down the expenses.

  • Set aside money you may need for training and coaching for your new career.

  • Save funds for at least 6 months of necessary expenses.

  • Talk to a financial consultant for expert assistance on how to plan expenses and savings.

Take Time to Train

It is a common perception that if you're really passionate about a job or a business, self-training is all you need. However, that's not entirely true. If you're planning to take up something that you haven't had any experience with, you will need expert help. A formal training program equips you with the right skills and gives you an edge in the competitive marketplace. Moreover, your dream job may require you to have a certification as proof of your domain knowledge. While training certainly boosts the morale, it also helps you transition smoothly from one career to another. And if you're opting for a mid-life career change, training becomes all the more important since it will help you land that ideal job and make up for the disrupted cash flow quickly.

Switching careers is one of the most significant decisions you will ever be making in your life. So, take your time to think this through and make a fool-proof plan. All the best!



Himanshi Lydia Singh

Believer, mother, creative thinker, blogger and a compulsive entrepreneur, i love, live & write with passion.

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