7-Step Morning Ritual for Working Women
Power-boost your day with these productivity-inducing ritual

Juggling between work and personal life, contemporary women have crazy morning schedules that often leaves them tired before the noon. With obligations to be fulfilled and duties to be discharged, women often forget to pay attention to their own well-being. However, according to top psychologists and counselors, the way you spend the first hour of your day decides the tone for your rest of the day. If you manage to power-boost your day with a productivity-inducing ritual, your day automatically turns out to run smoothly. Here are a few add-ons to your usual morning regime you could choose to implement, so you see the glimmer of success rise before you.
1. Awaken
When the morning sun and the chirpy birds wake you up, are you truly awake? You might involuntarily go brush your teeth, have your other morning courses through, wear your work clothes and head-off. However, would these involuntary activities classify your state of mind as fully awake Science doesn't think so. You need to activate your senses completely to be prepared for the day. There are various activities you can undertake to awake the deeper regions of your mind. One of the best methods is by doing Sudarshan Kriya or by doing the Surya Namaskar
2. Exercise
There's nothing more efficient than sweating-off the lethargy to prepare your body for the coming day. Exercise is known to boost the efficiency of the human brain. Most researchers claim that the women who exercise in the morning every day show almost double the amount of productivity compared to women who don't work their muscles. Tiring yourself will not only help your muscles get activated to perform at their best for the day but also wake you up completely. While you exercise, you will be pushing some pressure onto your entire array of senses which in turn activates each of them to their fullest. The sensory activation helps you remain active through the course of your daily struggles and give your best shot at your work helping you surge towards your success faster.
3. Meditate
Meditation reconnects your mind to your body. This connection between your mind and your soul helps you remain calm even under the looming pressure that comes as a perk of your professional life. Keeping your cool while under pressure is necessary to stay productive. Most women claim to lose interest in their work due to the stress they face in the workplace. All this frustration finds its roots in a dissatisfied soul, which can be healed in no time through one simple act of meditation. Meditation also pushes your concentration to a higher level, keeping your mind alert throughout the day.
4. Journal
Journal writing in the morning can help you realize what you were the day before and how you could be better. Penning down your journal every day helps keep track of the activities, helping you in being more accountable for your actions throughout the day. Choosing to write it in the morning reminds you of all the moments you threw away, helping you in choosing to live a more productive day at that moment. Journaling also helps you center your mind and align it right for the heavy day that would follow.
5. Nature-Therapy
Spending some peaceful moments in the park nearby could give you by far the best start for your day. Most women claim they undergo enlightment under the shades of nature. They reach their deeper selves and understand themselves better. They say the breezy atmosphere, the pure air and the greens surrounding helps them think deeper about life and how they could improvise their current state of living. The reconnection between your soul and your mind is very important as this connection keeps your mind upright and mentally stable throughout the day. Just a jog till your park and then some quality time with yourself on the bench there could help you lead an extremely stable and yet a productive day. The key to success lies in staying calm, and nature helps you do it the best.
6. Warm Tea
Get your dose of anti-oxidant through your morning tea and kick-off the day for a great start! The warmth of the tea slowly flowing down your throat helps your mind slowly come out of the grasps of your morning laziness. Tea is also known to eliminate free radicals from your system. Studies also prove that tea helps you increase exercise endurance thus pushing your sweat-clad session to another level every single day!
7. Goal-Setting
As important as it is to consider your previous day and pen down all the aspects you must improvise upon, it is also important to set a few boundaries for your upcoming day. Setting your goal doesn't have to mean some long-term dream you want to achieve, it could, in fact, be as small a decision as taking the Metro instead of your vehicle for work. All you must do is set the limits of your activities for the day. Choose how you'll lead the day, and you could make it a more productive day in comparison to your previous day. Set some hourly goals and one goal you must accomplish at the end of the day. Give yourself some points based on how well you achieved each of your goals and tried to get better grades as every day passes by.


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