Stories , Interviews
Priyanka Behl : How Did She become a Confidence Coach?

Confidence is everything. But, you are not born confident. You become one or not. Your level of confidence depends on your circumstances, your conditioning in the growing years, words spoken over you, your life's experiences, and people around you. But, there are two things above all that. One is you. That is your decision to face life and move ahead. Second, is your confidence coach.
Yes, now there are people who specialize in helping you build confidence. When I met Priyanka for the first time, I could feel the peace and goodness in her. More I knew her, more I was wowed with the calm and confidence she exuded. She helps people become confident. Having won hundreds of awards and accolades, this woman has her head right on her shoulders. So, I requested an interview and she obliged.
So, here is my conversation with Priyanka Behl, a humble yet confident woman of substance and a successful entrepreneur. Get Inspired!
Himanshi: Priyanka, you are a Personality Architect & Bilingual Coach. What exactly it is and how do you help others with your coaching?
Priyanka: Personality can be defined as a characteristic set of behaviour, cognition, and emotional patterns that evolve from biological and environmental factors that form a distinctive character. A Personality Architect like me helps people understanding the biggest obstacles to success and achieving potential are internal, not external. So I use different tools of personality psychology, which I have learnt from my great mentors and assist people step by step to overcome ineffective behaviour and patterns through trainings. About being Bilingual Coach - In my career, I learned 5 languages which include French, Japanese, Swedish, German and English, all using game-based simple practices that too in a short span of time. I help Young students overcoming their stage fear, giving them the linguistic tools which I have implemented in my life and have achieved a tremendous level of growth.
Himanshi: What motivated and inspired you to be so?
Priyanka: So, it all started with my Job training while I got trained by Kim underhill. I simply loved the fact how his simple teachings were life-changing for many people like me. I said to myself this is what I want to do, I want to train people, influence them in a more constructive way to overcome their pattern. But I did not know How? So to check is it my passion or not, I started enrolling myself in various workshops on personal development. I would come back after workshops and coach my colleagues and friends in the community, share the knowledge with NGO Students on weekends and it gave me so much satisfaction. Soon my talent was noticed and I got enormous opportunities to assist trainers and do in house training and partner training, later I made my passion into a profession as an entrepreneur.
Himanshi: What steps did you take to start up as one?
Priyanka: I would always save 10% of my income to be spent on the personal development program. I would volunteer my weekends for workshops on skill development. I would use podcast to connect with people and help them in their journey. Because I was in fulltime Job and I couldn't afford to do workshops during weekdays so I would invest into my weekends to come closer to my passion and calling.
Himanshi: What challenges did you face during your entrepreneurial journey? How did you overcome them?
Priyanka: Entrepreneurial Journey in the initial stage is tough because when you are at home, everyone around you would expect you to be available. But I realized that I needed to fix dedicated working hours (as I would do in a job) for my profession to see it growing. So after failing for 8 months on what to do, I started focusing what not to do and I found an answer in the middle of all chaos. I started waking up at the same time the way I would do in my job. I would complete my home chores before my kids went school and kept a corner of my house as my office to work on growth-oriented tasks. Every day I would create a list of what I had to do in the first 2 hours which brings growth and the remaining 2 hours for management. Following this, gave me two advantages. Advantage 1- My family got fixed with my schedule and they realized this is the time she is working and we cannot disturb. Advantage 2- Because my focus went on growth, growth started coming to me.
Himanshi: What's your most effective way of marketing and creating awareness about your work (other than word of mouth)?
Priyanka: These days people are more active on social media which I find is the most effective tool to connect with people. I joined a lot of networking groups on social media and contributed and took great learning as well. They say Network is Networth and that turns out to be true for an Entrepreneur. I wouldn't even hesitate to share my content with other trainers and institution, this helped me build a great amount of credibility and admiration among people.
Himanshi: How do you manage all your work? Do you have a support team?
Priyanka: Time management is key. Making the best use of time makes me manage it in a reasonable way. Presently, I have team members who work on a freelance basis.
Himanshi: You have won more than 300 awards. How do you take these in your stride to remain so down to earth?
Priyanka: Awards are incentives that one gets during their journey for contributing their share the way it has to be done. Mini Me feel so blessed and fortunate to be among few amazing people, sharing stages with them and being felicitated on such marvelous platforms. However, for me, it has always been important to win hearts than Awards, and perhaps that's what keeps me rooted. Any person who so ever I meet, I try my best that I take the best learning of his/her life and implement in my life to make it better. I am a seeker of winning people, rather than titles.
Himanshi: What's your future vision for yourself and for others who you coach?
Priyanka: My future vision for myself is to continue to be a seeker and life long learner and to be the strong foundation spinal cord for my mentees to help them achieve their passion.
Himanshi: What do you do to achieve Every Day?
Priyanka: I track my performance every day. During my office work, I minimize distraction. I conduct progress check-in for myself and motivate myself with Rewards.
Himanshi: What is your favourite business tool or resource?
Priyanka: Google Analytics and Clickfunnel for Social marketing.
Himanshi: What advice you would give to other women/entrepreneurs?
Priyanka: To all my women friends out there challenge yourself every day, do what you care about the most and have a vision and passion to achieve it. In the process when you need help, create a community of other women who can support you and vice versa. Everyone on the journey is your friend and help other women anyways.
Himanshi: What three tips you would give our readers to become more confident?
Priyanka: One, Face your fear/s. Fear is usually at the root level of lack of self-confidence. If you want to change the fruit , work on the root. Second, affirm your strength, talent and accomplishment every day, no one else is going to do it for you. Third, raise your curiosity level, and invest a minimum of 1 hour in your growth development activities, invest as a daily ritual.
Himanshi: Yes, all this is so really important. I especially like your tip on allocating time for your growth activities daily. I will also make it my daily routine.
So, we wrap up with our special rapid-fire round. Here you go-
Rapid-fire round
I love
Being with kids, nature and people with positive Auras
My strength
Comes from my Mentor Kim Underhill and Dr Shivangi Maletia
Business is all about
When I face a challenge
I first turn toward Reality and Embrace it
When somebody discourages me
I say to myself others perspective is not your reality and your vision is yours not theirs.
I let go fear of failure/loss
by doing it anyways
To unwind
I connect to my innermost self through mindfulness
My favourite quote is
"Stand in your power, success is your birth right. Move in your life from Optional to Non Negotiable. Believe and you will achieve.
So, the decision is all yours to build your self-esteem and stepping out in the world without fear. Better you feel about yourself, more confident you are. More confident you are, the more successful you would be.
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