Most Common Dating Mistakes Women Make

You are 16 and still single, how is that possible? Grow up, I mean which era are you living in. Don't get startled if you get to hear high school kids gossiping this way. 16 is still older, kids today start dating and having relationships from a very young age, probably when they don't even know barely what an actual relationship stands for. They just assume it to be a mandatory part of their life because their friends are doing the same. Not just young school-going lads but even college going young adults commit the same mistake. This has a lot of repercussions starting from unrealistic expectations, stress, anxiety and whatnot. All of this happens because the relationship is not what they really want at that time and are not even aware of the ways to make it work. And while trying to sort things out they keep on committing mistakes which harass them mentally, emotionally as well as physically.
1. Investing in too much of your time
If you are new to this tickling feeling of love and romance, there are very high chances that you will end up giving almost all of your time to the new relationship. You need to understand that everything needs and takes time and forcing things to happen before the right time might be harmful for you as well as your partner. As this usually happens with young college going peeps, they regret this at a later stage. The time that you should be assigning to your academic development and other co-corricular activities is also devoted to the new romance. Everything in life should be balanced and so you need to beware of the amount of time you invest into something.
2. Taking your relationship for granted
This is just the exact opposite of the previous point. Young adults generally commit this mistake. Once this age group advances towards their final year in college or are about to venture into the new world with a lot of opportunities, they start blaming their partners for eating up their time which could have been utilised doing something productive. You need to understand that emotional well-being and the support of a partner is equally important as having a good career in life. Just like a good job needs a good amount of time and energy investments, same applies to a healthy relationship. When your partner wants to talk to you for a while or plans out some quality time for both of you, it is special and very much required. Do not consider that as a waste of time as that will provide you with the strength to excel in your career and academics. It is just a matter of maintaining the right balance.
3. Being unsure of the bond you share
'Complicated', a word which has become the relationship status of a huge ratio of young couples today. One moment they act like each other's forever soulmates and the next moment they behave as if they are mere strangers. This happens because this generation has become very shallow with respect to their thought process. They just want to stand at par with their peers and being in a relationship is one of them. A relationship today is not formed out of love or commitment in most of the cases, it comes into existence because there is a sense of competition and an inferiority complex hitting. Not because people need assurance but because they have to show off.
4. Relying blindly on social media
The screens are at every fingertip today. The virtual world has overpowered the existence of real feelings, emotions and the real physical world itself. The composition of the cutlery on the dining table for a perfect Instagram post has become more important than the actual conversation happening while dining together. Couples assess their relationship's success on the basis of how popular their photograph together has become online. The satisfaction that a private date with no pictures but just capturing memories within you will give you for a lifetime cannot ever be at par with whatever number of thumbs up you get on any of these social media channels.
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