
Menstrual Cups: Complete Guide and Benefits





MENSTRUATION, after all the efforts made, is still a topic seldom talked about openly without any hesitation. Conferences and talks might be held regarding the topic but talking of households, people still hesitate freely discussing periods, a phenomenon so natural that even life cannot exist without its occurrence. Not discussing about it has a lot of repercussions. About 23 million girls drop out of school when they start menstruating every year, women use cloth and even ash and soil as they cannot afford to buy sanitary pads and other alternatives or are not at all aware of their availability.

As this is a monthly occurrence, these pads and cloths used are disposed of, which do not get decomposed in hundreds of years as they are made out of plastic, a non-biodegradable substance. Sanitary pads are also not very much cost-effective as every female from each and every strata of our society cannot afford to buy these on a monthly basis. There are alternatives to pads like tampons and menstrual cups which are not known.Let us get more into detail about what menstrual cups are and its various related aspects.

Introduction to menstrual cups

Menstrual cups are bell-shaped cups that are used by females during their periods. These cups are made up of medical silicone, plastic or rubber. These are inserted in the vagina to store the menstrual blood.


Pros and cons


These cups are reusable and last for several years. A one time investment of a few hundred bucks will definitely save huge amounts of money women spend on buying pads/tampons every month. This will benefit those who face period poverty, which means non-availability of sanitary pads during periods.


They are more comfortable than having wet pads beneath all day long for the whole cycle. If worn properly you will be at much more ease than using pads.

Easy and less messy

They are obviously less messy as they just need to be inserted and can be in there for 5 to 12 continuous hours depending on the flow. You just need to wash it and insert again in case of any leakage. You can walk, sit, run and even swim with these cups inside your vagina.

Environment friendly

Pads are single use products and come with a lot of fancy packaging. But, these cups go on for years, which reduces enormous ratio of waste being dumped in the landfills. Using it for the first time can be a bit difficult but once you get used to it there is no way going back to pads or tampons.

How to insert?

The menstrual cup has two major parts. One is the cup and the other is the thin stem attached at the bottom, which makes the insertion as well as removal easier. Before using the cups read the instructions on the pack carefully and sterilize the cup well. Apply water to the rim of the cup, tightly fold the cup into half with the rim facing upwards, insert into the vagina with the stem downwards. The cup should sit a few inches below your cervix.

Once the cup is inserted, rotate it so that it swings open to create an airtight seal preventing any leakage. You shouldn't feel any discomfort while performing any activity if the cup has been inserted correctly.

How to remove?

Make sure you have washed your hands before removing the cup. With the help of your thumb and index finger pull the stem of the cup gently until you reach the base. Contract the base to release the seal and slowly pull out the cup. Empty the cup in the toilet and wash it with warm water to reuse.

How to clean?

While you are on your periods, wash the cup at least twice a day. Once your cycle gets complete, sterilize the cup properly and keep it safe and properly packaged for the next month. It can last from 6 months to upto 10 years.


There are different sizes available for these cups. For a better understanding, you can refer to the given.


There have been various studies that prove the credibility of menstrual cups. These cups are safe to use and women feel more comfortable in these. Given below are some researches that will aid you in believing the same. Research 1 Research 2 Research 3


Women are ashamed of it and are considered to be impure while they should realise that they are the purest forms of creation and should shout out to the world that we bleed that is why you exist.




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