April Fools Pranks: 5 Clever Tricks for fun & Friends

There is no feeling as glorious as one where you laugh with your partner, and with April Fool's day drawing closer, you may be wondering how to make it count. Worry not- we're here to help! Let that inner mischief-maker out of you as you plan a prank that will have your partner utterly fooled and wondering how you are so capable. Here are a few possibilities you can use while trying to surprise them before both of you enjoy a good laugh.
1. Fake Them Out
Often, the best thing you can do is to do nothing. Spook your partner with ominous hints about the things you've done and watch them squirm in their boots as to what you're going to do when in reality, you're just relaxing, watching all the fun happen. Good times.
2. Act Like You Broke Something Important
There is nothing that affects anyone as profoundly as a broken electronic gadget, or even something on a bigger scale, like a car. Waltzing in and telling your partner about the way you wrecked their vehicle is a pretty epic way of messing with them. It works just as well with the whole. I dropped your phone in the toilet classic, which is always good to watch and laugh at.
3. Use Superglue to Seal A Jar, And Try And Get Them To Open It
It is a known fact that people love to show off how strong and capable they are, and this principle applies most of all to kitchen jars. All you need to do is glue the lid in place, then act like you're too weak to open it yourself. Watch your partner come rushing in to your rescue, then laugh at their face when they're unable to open the jar. After they're all exhausted from their futile attempts at opening the lid, let them know what you did, and laugh at their dumbfounded faces.
4. Pretend Spill Something On Their Stuff
When you see some sort of stain on your clothing or other stuff, you're bound to be freaked out at the least. There is no reason the same cannot apply to your partner. The best way to do this is with some nail polish- choose a bright color, pour it onto some wax paper, then peel it off and drop it onto your partner's clothes or laptop, and watch them go nuts, at least until they realize they've been had.
5. Replace Their Shampoo With Cake Icing
When you are messing with someone's toiletries, you're bound to see some amusing sights. Replace your partner's shampoo with something like cake icing. Once this is done, you can laugh as they toss perplexed glances at their attire before resigning themselves to their fate. Of course, you can help them out with REAL shampoo... After a while.
Let us know how your April Fool's day went, and if you have any other pranks, in the comments! Follow "The Woo Mag"




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