10 Most Common Myths About Love You Should Beware Of

Being in a loving and satisfying relationship is not a cakewalk. It demands a huge amount of conviction, effort and patience. To love and to be loved are both great feelings but it is not that easy going and romantic as it has been fantasized since forever. There are a lot of things about love that people believe and even preach, but not all of that is true and tested. Given below are some myths about love that you need to know for a lifetime.
Love at first sight.
It is a misconception, as love is all about understanding the other person and giving time to know each other better. How can a single glance of a person be enough to know them inside out. This concept of love at first sight seems to be quite shallow as it just focuses on the physical beauty and appearance rather than the meaning of true love in its real meaning.
True love is effortless
Not a single penny can be earned without putting in effort. How can a complete relationship run smoothly without putting effort into it? You constantly need to work hard to make your bond strong and long lasting. Even if the love is pure and intense, it will tend to fade away if you lack effort.
You cannot love twice
There are hell lot of people out there who were wrong with their first choices or could not end up together due to various other reasons. That does not mean they will no longer be happy in life and will always be deprived of love. There are always second chances.
You cannot fall out of love
You definitely can. No individual is bound to be caught in feelings for someone wrong. If a person does not respect your emotions and has no value for the efforts you put in, you definitely should give that relationship a serious thought. Plan out strategies and start focusing on your needs and self-satisfaction.
Love is unpredictable
Love as an emotion can be strong, passionate and even very intense at times but not unpredictable.Small surprises here and there do not hurt but something totally unexpected or bizarre is not a normal thing to be accepted. Living with a person makes you aware about the temperament and psyche of that individual. You will rather know your partner better and will be able to predict certain actions and behaviours of them.
Love demands compromise
We often get advice on how to learn to compromise and sacrifice in a marriage or even in a relationship. Especially when you are a girl, this is a must have quality for you to be able to sustain. But, this is not at all logical and acceptable. Understanding is the keyword and not compromising.
Opposites attract
Not always true and rational. Two people who have exactly opposite habits and mind sets cannot live peacefully under one roof. There will be frequent conflicts and fights as there will be a lot of disagreements.
Love makes your life complete
It is true that love has a major role to play in one's life but that does not mean that you as an individual have got nothing to do after you get into a fulfilling and loving relationship. As an individual you always have something unique and different that makes you happy and you should always prioritize that. Once you are satisfied with yourself only then you will contribute equally to your love life.
It's not meant to be destined
You cannot just leave everything on destiny and sit idle and expect your love to bloom. No relationship is formed or has stayed without the presence of both the individuals physically, mentally and emotionally.
Never go to bed angry
It is a very common saying for couples that even after the ugliest of fight you should never go to bed without sorting out the problem. But, this is not practically possible and which is absolutely fine because every day is different. Some days are bad and we should just let things be as they are instead of trying hard.
Love is unique for every couple. It cannot be generalized and compiled as a book of certain rules and postulates to study and attain masters in. You need to take charge of your and your partner's emotions and comfort. Never rely on the theories that have been laid. Have confidence in your gut feeling, who knows, your guardian angels might be guiding you.




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