
Have You watched These Most Inspiring Bollywood Chick Flicks Yet?

Must watch Bollywood female avatars depicting feminine power in every aspect of life.



Sugandha Gupta


They will inspire you. They will stir your soul and make you think. They are none other than the female characters from famous Bollywood movies that talk of feminine power then and now, in every given situation. 

They have a lot more to offer than boosting the glamour factor. Time and again Indian cinema has given us gems of female-centric films. With the cinema maturing, a lot of female-led releases in Bollywood, are making a huge impact on society to change their perspective towards women. 

Now, scriptwriters, directors, and filmmakers create films centered on one unique character with a certain leading actress. In the spirit of all the rebellious, strong, and dignified women leads, here are a few strong female-oriented movies that have stayed with audiences.

Let’s look at some of these gems -  



It stars Kalki Koechin as Laila, a rebellious young woman who had to listen to phrases like "disabled" and "differently abled" every time she went out. She was developed in such a way by director Shonali Bose that we couldn't help but love her. 

The movie teaches us that no obstacle can stop us from pursuing our dreams & it is never too late to start your journey of self-discovery.



When we women demand our rights, we are referred to as rebels. To find her spouse, Vidya Bagchi travels from London to India. Despite being alone in an unfamiliar place, she has the fortitude to look for her spouse no matter what.

Vidya Balan is a legend in the world of acting, capable of doing things that most people would be terrified to do. Kahaani is the perfect movie that shows the retaliation and, most importantly, the bravery of a strong-headed woman.



You can still have a honeymoon experience for yourself even if your man has walked out on your wedding. There are numerous aspects of Rani's personality that everyone should possess. She dared to stand up for herself even though her heart was crushed.

Through her incredible performance, Kangana Ranaut taught us to be confident in every circumstance that shows up. You don't need a man to discover yourself!



Who cares if you're married and less educated? It doesn't matter if you haven't challenged yourself in a while. Meet Shashi Godbole, a homemaker who sells ladoos as a side hustle. Her family begins to take her for granted, just like all mothers and wives who perform housework. 

When she travels to the US to attend a wedding, she decides to leave her comfort zone and begin enjoying her life. She successfully learns the language she was afraid to speak. She proved that age is just a number and everyone can accomplish everything they dream of. Just a change of mindset is all you need!



In Dear Zindagi, a filmmaker with insomnia and a turbulent romantic history meets a nonconformist psychologist. The lead character, Kaira, is capable and motivated but weighed down by life. She constantly struggles with mental illness. 

Her bravery in deciding to seek help despite the potential stigma is admirable. Her gradual recognition of her tendencies and dedication to healing is inspiring, even though therapy is not quite as comfortable as it is in the movie. She also represents the opinions of a generation of young women when she tells a crowded room to stop talking about mental health.



Mardaani is one of the few female-led action films that makes an impression. The sharp and sincere lone wolf Shivani delicately manages her interactions with Pyari, the street kid, her orphaned niece, and her coworkers. 

When Pyari is kidnapped, her zeal to find the suspect is praised rather than belittled as emotionally charged. Shivani highlights the efforts of numerous underrepresented women in the Indian police force while overcoming each obstacle.

That’s how Hindi films have always remained a mirror for the circumstances the country has experienced for years. Women in contemporary movies have gone far from ornamental items to victims or martyrs. 

The actresses in Hindi cinema have everything to offer, from the role of the damsel in distress to that of a strong, independent woman who strives for her dignity and self-respect, asserts her rights, and rebels when necessary.



Sugandha Gupta

Crafting stories and connecting with people through words. I'm a content writer and proud of it! Sharing my creativity and knowledge with the world.

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