
Brilliant Blogging Tips for the New Bloggers to JumpStart Your Blog



Himanshi Lydia Singh


You love to write. You scribble, write Facebook notes, tweet your opinions, and have a personal blog. But, now you are thinking of taking content writing as a full-time profession. Why not? It gives you the opportunity to work flexi-time and work-home balance. But, one question that confronts you is - how do I market myself as a content writer?

With the ever-widening world web, there is definitely an increasing demand for content writers. Though there is great competition, good quality content can command good payouts as well. So, it is not important if you are a beginner. There are ample opportunities waiting for you. What is important is how well you write and how well you market yourself.

Marketing your skills and experience will determine the constant flow of work. You really don't need a marketing agency to do that for you. Try out these 11 amazing individual marketing strategies to market yourself as a content writer and bag some excellent content writing jobs:

Assign separate days for marketing: Creativity needs space. So, can't be doing two things at the same time. Planning your week by assigning 2-3 days just for marketing can work out well for you if you are your own boss. The first 3 days for writing and the next 2 days you can get in touch with people on phone, online, or outdoors.

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Network, Network & Network: This is the first step in any successful marketing campaign. Build your contacts base by attending important meetings, parties, and informal events. Approach every person as a potential client or an important business lead. Don't forget to exchange business cards. Always carry your visiting cards with you and hand them out to whoever you think can lead to your next assignment. 


Grow your network online and offline Social Media Marketing: Add people who you met on the floor to your social networks as well as Facebook or Linkedin, whichever platform drives your business. While keeping up with your social media accounts can be time-consuming and tedious, it helps in engaging with your potential clients and networking with the right people. Besides established ones, watch out for new potential sites to target more people each day. Make sure your presence is felt infamous online communities and forums where you might get a chance to interact with potential clients and engage them in a dialogue.


Important Social Media Marketing networks[/caption] Blogging: Yes! Get a blog for yourself where you showcase your writing talent. You got to be approachable to your clients. Your prospective clients will look at how visible you are and will decide accordingly. So, get yourself registered on a public blogging platform like WordPress or Blogspot, etc. Also, guest blogging is a great way to market your writing skills and offer your knowledge and insights to readers.


Blog as an important marketing tool[/caption] Specialize: Choose a niche segment to write about. This will help you gain expertise and make you stand apart from the crowd. Try to specialize in areas of your competence and interest that people can identify you with. Don't write about the subject just because of fashion or because everyone is writing about it. If you love food and things related, you could be a food blogger. Other important areas where you can specialize are digital marketing, business, technology, travel, and lifestyle, etc. You can charge a higher rate for your work in the niche segment and establish yourself as one of the best content writers in the subject area.

specialize-in-blogging-subject-area-food-blogging-travel blogging-technology

Blogging to specialize in a subject area is advantageous.[/caption]   Group marketing: This is an emerging phenomenon in content writing. There are many content writers who work in a group. Approaching clients as a group is much more powerful than as an individual. It gives a picture of being organized and also offers a variety of content to the client. So, if you know such a group, being part of it is surely going to be an advantage for you. Advertise: Though paid, advertising options like Google Adsense and Facebook can go a long way in targeting your audience and marketing yourself as a writer. Link exchange is a good option for unpaid advertising.


Paid Advertising is also important[/caption] Ask for testimonials: In any marketing activity, displaying examples of happy, satisfied customers is a bonus. Always ask your clients for a testimonial and put them up on your blog, website, or even in the e-mails campaign. 

Testimonials are important to build trust

Testimonials are important to build trust[/caption] Do some inbound marketing: Write as a guest blogger, contribute to others' blogs and magazines and allow the traffic to flow to your page, blog or site, etc is one tool of good inbound marketing you can start with and master. Flexible Pricing- Flexibility is the key to successful marketing. Don't take on your pride if someone offers you lesser than you expected? The opportunity, the platform, and the viewership one would be offering you can be other deciding factors your can choose to be with


Right Price is the best price[/caption] Post Free Ads on Local Classifieds? Posting about your work in local classifieds is one potential way of reaching out to your target customers as many people still search for their needs on the classifieds sites.  



Himanshi Lydia Singh

Believer, mother, creative thinker, blogger and a compulsive entrepreneur, i love, live & write with passion.

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