
"How to Rekindle the Spark in Your Relationship? "





New relationships have a lot of excitement and you tend to always be in touch with your mate. But, as the relationship grows older, the newness and excitement wears off and it gets dull and boring. The same person does not seem to be as exciting as he used to be. The need is for you to put in efforts to keep your bond fresh and exciting, it is you who needs to take the first step and make it better rather than waiting for him to initiate.

Here are a few gestures that will definitely help you bring back the old spark you used to share.

Read a book together

Reading a book is not just an act but a whole process. It is a journey of emotions, that the book takes you along with it. Reading it with your partner would be enjoyable and you would be surprised to discover what interests or emotional understanding you both have in common.

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Go on a road trip

Take out time for just the two of you and plan a small trip somewhere nearby. Listen to music, eat on the streets and talk about the things you used to do in your early days.

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High school dates

Dinner with the family or children might be your routine but do not forget to plan dinner dates for both of you at least once a month. Dress as per what your partner would like and maybe share a glass of wine.

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Have your own friends

Instead of just having common friends , have your own set of friends. Plan outings with them and share the experience with your partner. This will let you have a healthy distance and remain your own selves.

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Make a checklist for the weekend

List down things you want to do together on a weekend. Plan it accordingly, so that you do not have to go for any work amidst the time that your partner deserves. Try to achieve every task on the checklist while enjoying them too.

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 Kiss more often

Couples who grow old often do not prioritize physical intimacy but it is proven that sharing a physical bond enhances the emotional connect. Kiss each other and express your love. It will make you relieved and happy.

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Give your partner a nickname

Calling your partner by a nickname, that has been exclusively given by you, provokes a feeling of belongingness. This might be a millennial habit but it works for sure.

Support each other's hobbies

It should always not be about you. Make your partner feel good by helping them with their interest. Cook together if one of you enjoys cooking or plan a movie date, if that is the choice of the other. This will create a balance and you will also be engaged.

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Listen to some music together

Create a playlist of songs you both enjoy and listen to them while sipping coffee or tapping your feet along. This will lift up your mood and you will cherish these beautiful moments of togetherness.

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Even if both of you are aware of what you feel for each other and have expressed it a hundred times before, tell them what they mean to you and how much you love them. The feeling of being someone's priority is very fulfilling.




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