
Too Busy? How to Spend Quality Time With Your Partner?





The accelerating expenses have made it a mandate for both of the partners in a relationship to move out and work. Being a working woman has not just remained a matter of choice but a basic responsibility. Getting to spend some nice quality time together amidst all the chaos is no less than an achievement today. Days are no more as relaxed and serene like the old 90s afternoons. It seems time itself is in haste. Being with your partner for the smallest duration requires proper planning and itinerary.

Listed below are some rituals you can adopt in order to be there for each other when both of you have a time consuming full-time job.

1. Plan a monthly mini road trip

Trust me on this, these road trips are the best escape you can get from the usual mundane daily routine. Any relationship needs a fresh breeze to continue having the same spark and light. Road trips make sure you get to experience new adventures and puts you in some adverse situations which bring both of you even closer making the bond stronger.


2. Cook together on Sundays

Experiments are good and exciting but definitely when they are not done on people. So, trying out new ingredients and inventing some new dishes together will surely be a stress-buster in both of your lives. You will enjoy that time together and the added benefit is you can name the very newly discovered dish after your names and there you go with a new legacy to carry on with. 

3. Try to have a common tea time everyday

Usually what all happened in a day is discussed over a cup of tea or coffee. This is the best time when people seem to be a bit relaxed and are in a light mood to have nice small conversations. These small tea breaks together stolen from the tiring lives we have these days are really crucial for your physical and mental well being. Make sure you save the evening tea date for your partner each day.

4. How about a movie date?

It sounds a bit cliched for sure, but this has the potential to do wonders. Be it the new teenage love or the together matured 20 years old marriage, couples are always up for a movie date together. It brings excitement for the younger generation and brings back nostalgia for the oldies.

5. Start watching a series together and discuss

With the onset of online streaming channels like Netflix, Amazon, voot,etc., a new trend of watching series together has started among couples of different age groups. This is definitely a good idea, but do you know what can be better? A proper discussion post watching the episode or the movie. Sit together maybe with a mug of coffee and have a conversation regarding what both of you liked and disliked about it. This will give you deeper insights into the thought process of your partner and let you understand them better.

6. Write things about your partner you admire and give it to them

Written notes have that extra magical hint. Even if you simply write an 'I love you' on a piece of paper, that would mean a lot for your partner. The same I love you when Whatsapped or Instagrammed will never have the same effect as the written one a paper. Take out 5 minutes from your day and write down honestly what you feel for your partner. That loving note will be enough.

7. Go to bed at the same time

If you don't go to bed at the same time, you're going to be on different schedules. To keep the strain off your relationship, try and go to bed at the same time, this way you're both on the same page every day. It will keep you closer and more aware of each other.


A relationship is like a baby. The better you are at nurturing it the healthier it grows.

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