
Social Media Do's & Don't for Couples





How many hours do you spend on your phone on a daily average? You're checking phone every now and then, checking who is following who, the latest pics, stories, updates..Your FOMO - Fear of missing out.. But, social media can be the blessing for some and a curse of someone else, especially if not used discretely. More relationships are breaking today on account of people's obsession with social media. When you are in love, you would definitely want the world to know about it, and there is nothing wrong in it. But before clicking that 'post' button, revisit the things you are going to post and make sure that your partner is comfortable putting that out to the world. A lot of research has been carried out measuring the impact and effects of social media on relationships and it has been proved that social media can affect the quality of our relationships.

According to 'Leslie Shore' a communication expert, fostering relationships online can hurt our relationships offline. Social media has become omnipresent in the modern era of internet and social connectivity. The whole world irrespective of barriers like age, gender, income, etc, is addicted to social media platforms. In such widespread usage, it affects our lives in various ways. Our relationship get affected the most as we are unable to manage our online and offline time with a balance. There are certain things that should be kept in mind while posting things related to your personal life and especially when it is about your partner.

Here is a list of certain points that should be analysed and worked upon while using social media as it is a very powerful medium and can have varied effects. Read this article to understand how you can enjoy social media without harming your rlationship.


Ask for your partner's consent before posting

Even if it is your account, you need to consider your partner's opinion on posting something that has got to do with them especially. It can be a picture of you two together, can be your feeling towards the other, etc. This is required for a smooth and happy relationship. You might be someone who loves being vocal about your personal life but your other half could be completely opposite.

Try finding your mate online

Looking for someone to date or even to marry through online platforms has become a rage and there is nothing wrong in it as long as you are careful and verify things reasonably. There are many platforms like Bumble, Tinder,,, etc which have helped numerous people find the love of their life.

Maintain a safe distance

It means that you should have a limited screen presence. Never solely rely on these platforms for all sorts of things. Getting addictive is what hinders your peace in a relationship. While you are with your partner, drift away from your phones and concentrate on both of you. Live in the moment instead of scrolling down screens to find happiness. 


Don't share your private moments

There have been many reported instances of cyber-crimes. Recording and posting or sharing those pictures and clips with friends or even family members should be avoided. You never know when somebody uses it against you or as a threatening. It is better to keep your precious time with you as your fondest memories than sharing it out.

Never rely only on social media to share feelings

Social media can be a great way to be in touch constantly with your loved ones but it can have some negative effects, especially when it comes to your love life. Avoid focusing too much on these platforms and try taking out time to physically be present with your mate. Sometimes a call for five seconds matters more than a fancy Instagram post.

Don't share each other's passwords

Knowing the passwords of your partner's social media account is not a way of building trust rather it depicts your insecurities. Apart from being in a relationship, you are strong individuals and you must have your own say and choice for your preferences. Also, relationships do not last a lifetime, so it can create issues once you are not together.




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