
How to win friends at workplace?

Follow these top tips and go grom stranger to a sweetheart.





New at the workplace? You don't know anyone yet and nobody knows you as well. You definitely can't have a breakthrough in your job by sitting solo, but you must get acceptance by the tribe. Here are a few tips on how to change your status from a stranger to an absolute sweetheart at your workplace.

1. Be positive and it will never fail to win people's heart

Choose between hanging around with a person who is always talking about the apocalypse or someone who talks positive and hope even if it is against the current scenario. Believe me, people look for hope and positivity. They go for smiling faces and don't even notice a long, silent, blank, bland face, you bet.

"Employees? moods, emotions, and overall dispositions have an impact on job performance, decision making, creativity, turnover, teamwork, negotiations, and leadership... We engage in emotional contagion. Emotions travel from person to person like a virus, says Sigal Barsade, a Wharton management professor and the co-author of the paper "Why does affect matter in organisation"?

So, smile and have a positive attitude. Even if things aren't right, still keep a positive attitude. When you do that consciously, things inside of you and around you start changing for better. People will notice your positive demeanor and want to be your friends.

2. Take responsibilities and win

Take responsibilities and additional responsibilities that you can deliver. These are mainly ones that will make your boss's and colleagues lives easier and gets you higher as you gain more skills. Your boss earns appreciation for great productivity, you learn and get more confidence and your colleagues respect you more. Your initiative will open new doors of opportunity for you. So, who is the winner?

3. Build Trust

Follow the 3 golden rules to build trust and win hearts at the workplace. Don't be party to any office politics or gossips. Just excuse yourself and mind your own business. Those who gossip and see you not reacting or sharing anything about the third person will also trust you rather and those who are victims will anyway trust you more. Share the right and timely information with your colleagues and boss that helps them and builds their reputation in the organization. They will know who to bank upon in the future. At the same time keep confidential information that people entrusted in you to yourself. Deliver your job within the deadline.It builds trust in your team and your boss's as well. In case of any confusion or doubt, communicate with the people in question. Never do anything which may break someone's heart.

4. Be the problem solver and a rescuer

And, everyone says, "You are so sweet!". Difficult situations are inevitable in a business environment. When mercuries rise, people rant, stay calm and poised. Deal with the situation with the presence of mind. Work on solving the problems resolve the issue. Offer genuine help to your co-workers and even your senior when need arises. But, restrict yourself to business problem solving and not personal problems.

5. Respect Everyone and you will earn their respect as well

Respect people's privacy, honour your boss at all points and treat juniors with respect. Ask for feedback from colleagues and accommodate their suggestions in the work in progress. Never judge them, underestimate them, never belittle them. Everyone has the right to opinion and deserves respect. Be gracious enough when you put a different viewpoint across. Be alert and mindful of the things around you. Listen to everyone carefully and carry on your duty more attention. Analyze everything and master everyone with your grace and calm and you are already the sweetheart at your workplace.




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