Career , Money
Simple Yet Life-Changing Money Lessons.
Sunita Biddu shares powerful money principles that she practiced to grow rich.

No matter how much we deny, Money is something that can make us feel most secure and happiest; and can show us the most dense and intense times when we face a financial crisis.
We want money, we love it and we can't do without it.
We all read, hear, and even implement advice from rich and famous people on how to make more money and create wealth. The richer they are, the more we believe in their journey and advice.
I learned my money lessons early in my business life. And a few things worked dramatically well for me. I will share 13 of those simple money lessons with you all.
One of the easy things in my life is making money. I was fortunate one to experience the multi-millionaire life stage in my mid-twenties without any financial support from anywhere and without any business background or mentors.
I always had an easy notion about money even before I realized the value of it.
Now when I realize the value, I have an easier, more serious, and yet more fun relationship with money.
1. Clear your debts
You can never feel easy and at peace if you have debt; big or small.
And no matter how hard you try, it is usually difficult to clear off all your debts in one go. The best way is to clear it slowly and regularly. If you have debt, use a part of your income every month to clear off your debt, and make it one of your top 5 priorities of life.
As you clean up your mental space off the debt slowly, you'll be surprised to see money coming from all known and unknown directions.
2. Save, even if it is pennies
Money saved is money earned.
No matter how much you're making, save a minimum of 5% from every income and keep it aside in a separate account. If you're receiving a decent cash flow, save 10%.
Forget this saving and let it surprise you with a huge sum one day.
3. Be generous in giving for value
I am not suggesting that you give money away, just like that.
Pay generously and happily for services you're confident of. Money is energy (I got to learn and figure this out a lot later in life). If you're paying for a premium service or product without bargaining, interestingly chances are high that you'll start getting easily paid for your own services if these are at premium prices.
Feeling easy with giving money balances and eases the flow of money. Try this and you'll understand.
4. Love Money. Don't Doubt Your Worthiness
Build an emotional connection to money - It's a relationship.
You got to love money without a doubt that it's hard to make or keep. If you doubt, it's obvious you don't truly love and trust.
We often hear and even believe that money is the root of all issues.
It's NOT.
How can you attract money and expect it to be with you when all you're thinking is negative?
Love money and trust that you can make it and you totally deserve to have a lot of it. As much as you want.
5. Multiple income sources
Even if you have a thriving business or startup, have multiple income sources that give you active or passive regular cash flow.
It can be a side business with minimal or no involvement or investment in a startup with good returns.
Think of the ideas that can work, that make you feel secure about your money and grow your money.
And be ready for some investment and patience. Never expect to make money without investing.
Nothing comes for free.
6. ANYONE & EVERYONE can make money
Money making is more about mindset and the presence of mind to act upon the opportunities. It is hardly dependent upon a degree or educational qualifications. Those are a bonus.
ANYONE can make money when they know the how-to of making money, what will work for them and when they're determined and willing to WORK ON IT.
7. Invest
Saving and investing are different.
Invest 5-10% of your money in different areas. Do not take it lightly. Underestimating investment benefits can cost you in an emergency. Be prepared. Seek help of a financial advisor.
You don’t have to be rich to invest. Small investments are equally useful.
8. Consult a pro financial planner once in 3 months
It's a myth that consulting a financial planner is a waste of money. NO, they may charge a bit but they help you SAVE & MAKE good money. Invest in consulting a good finance professional for 1 year and you'd love your decision.
I learned a money lesson in my early years of business - Making money is easy. It is the mismanagement that makes things difficult.
Use a professional’s help to manage and grow your money.
9. Recognize Your Need vs. Want
This is my favorite money saver.
Everything I buy goes through 3 filters. When I think of it. When I add to the cart (online or offline) and when I am about to pay. I remove 50% of the stuff by 3rd step and it saves me from buying things I don't need but only want.
I keep an optional luxury fund to address my Wants only to keep a balance.
10. Give
Donate to charity whenever possible. Giving returns multi-fold. You can start with the minimum possible every month to an orphanage, old age homes, financing your house help's child education. Just do whatever you can and keep this money aside.
11. Value "NOW"
Saving is important. But it shouldn't let you suffer in your present moment.
From your savings, spend some money on yourself, reward and treat yourself. Make yourself feel good with experiences.
Buy a spa session, go for an outing at the weekend, or do a short road trip.
Be your own happiness instead of chasing happiness and joy.
12. Keep a money magnet
It may sound and look funny at first. But just do it for fun.
I have a money magnet and I believe in it. Have a box or bag or anything to store. Buy a good-looking one if you wish. Something that you can't easily open. Spread a yellow or red cloth inside. Close it. Make a hole just big enough you can slide in the coins or currency inside.
Keep feeding this money magnet. There is no limit. It can be 1 coin to 1 million. Never open it.
Money is power
Acknowledge that money has power, it can do many things if not everything.
Give it the credit it deserves.
Respect it.
The more you regard it, the more you attract it. And understand the difference between regarding, respecting, and craving.
The day you get it, you'd witness the shift happening.
If this article or even a single thought gave you some idea and value, it served the purpose. May you be wealthier and richer than you wish.

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