15 Unusual & Surprising Facts About Women
Women are not that easy to understand, I mean this a fact the whole world is acquainted with. But there are more facts about women that are so strange in nature that you will have a jaw-dropping experience while going through them. We have compiled a list of a few of them. Some of them will make you laugh, some will amaze you and some will make you aware of the potential that we as women possess. Let us get started:
Women make their men fat by giving them extra care and food.
Women, even from infancy, are generally more interested in facial expressions, emotional tones in voices and non-verbal actions than men.
80% of women ask questions they already know the answers to.
The average amount of time a woman can keep a secret is 47 hours 15 minutes.
On average women live 2-5 years longer than men, a fact that holds true in every country in the world.
Women started wearing heels to mimic the men who wore heels as a sign of their masculinity and status.
Women have more taste buds than men.
Girls' brains generally mature two years earlier than boys, because of the high production of estrogen during puberty.
Women spend nearly 1 year of their lives deciding what to wear.
Women speak 13000 more words than the average man per day.
The two highest IQ scores recorded in history belongs to women.
Majority of women opt for stylish appearance over comfort.
Over 80% of women wear the wrong bra size.
A woman's clitoris grows throughout her lifetime.
The average woman will eat 4 lb of lipstick in her lifetime.
We hope that through this list of facts we aided you in solving a bit of the humongous mystery that a woman is. Do share these facts with other ladies that you know and make them more aware of themselves and other women surrounding them.
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