Explore World's 50 Weirdest Superstitions. People Still Believe Them.
Did you ever think why they got your fancy?

Have you ever stopped after seeing a black cat crossing your way? Have you ever abstained yourself from going out of your house after eating something sweet? Or have you been tensed that your itching hands are an indication of upcoming financial repercussions? Most all us do believe that all of this is true but many of us call them 'superstitions'. For those who believe in superstitions, they follow them everywhere. Each country, community, religion has their own superstitions. So, go through this blog to know the 50 Weirdest superstitions around the globe.
1. Don't play with scissors
The Egyptians believe that playing with the scissors invites evil. It will also definitely cause a fight between members of your family.
2. Bird's shit = fortune
Quite strange! But the Russians believe that if the bird poops on any part of your body some fortune will definitely come your way soon. It's a sign of a good luck.
3. No haircut or hair wash on Tuesdays
This is what Indians believe. Haircut and hair wash on Tuesday is a sign of bad luck for them.
4. No hair wash on Fridays if you have a brother
Sisters beware! In India, if any girl has a brother she is not supposed to wash her hair on Fridays. It brings evil and a sign of bad luck for her brother. So, girls you know exactly what to do if your brother troubles you next time.
5. No yellow flowers to a friend
In Russia, if you are giving yellow flowers to your friend that means you are imprecating him of infidelity.
6. Pregnant women craving fish
If a pregnant woman is craving fish, she should definitely have it else her baby would have a fish-head. This is what Canadian people believe.
7. "Rabbit rabbit" every month
In North America and Britain, it is believed that if you spell "rabbit-rabbit" or "white-rabbit" at the beginning of each month it will bring good luck for you.
8. Entering the room only with your right foot
People, be attentive while you are entering or exiting a room. In Spain, it is a bad sign if you enter or exit a room via your left foot. So, next time use only your right foot to do so.
9. N0. 3 -Unlucky
In India, people believe that number 3 is an unlucky number. If you are doing anything three times then that work is definitely going to mess up. So, either choose to do it two times or four times.
10. Grapes and new years eve
In Spain, it is widely believed that on the new years eve one should eat 12 grapes so that the upcoming year brings fortune and good health.
11. Don't step on manholes
If you step on a manhole that will endanger your love life and bring more misfortunes. People of Sweden believes so.
12. Trimming your nails at night
Many communities around the globe abstain from trimming the nails after sunset. People in India also believe in this superstition which causes bad health and brings bad luck. It can also cause a premature death, according to a U.S. News.
13. Spilling of Salt
Many believe that if you waste salt you will become an ant in your next life and would force to pick it from your eyes to restore it. The Bustle reports, salt was very precious and was used as currency.
14. Don't chew gum after sunset
In Turkey, it is believed that if you are chewing gum after sunset, it would be equal to that of chewing a flesh of someone dead. Quiet horrifying! Isn't it?
15. Jumping over a child
In Turkey, it is believed that if you jump over a child he will be a dwarf.
16. Kissing babies on Lips
Kissing the baby on his lip, in Nigeria, indicates cursing him for their sexual life in future.
17. Hold your purse properly
In Brazil, it is a rule that you should hold your purse properly so that it does not touch the floor. Touching your purse on the floor, according to them means you will become destitute.
18. Seeing a Magpie
Seeing a single magpie, according to the Irish and Scottish people means that something bad will happen and that you have a bad luck.
19. No knock-knock on woods
This superstition is one of the most prevalent- knocking on the woods. It is believed that knocking on woods is an indication of something bad that is to happen in future.
20. Crying Cat
Have you ever heard a cat crying? Probably you cannot distinguish between the crying of a cat and a baby. In India, it is believed that if you hear a cat crying then it a bad signal for you. Something bad will happen to your family members.
21. Whistling indoor
Many of us often whistle when we are in a good mood. But do you know it is a superstition in Russia and Norway to whistle indoor? Yes. it's true. In Russia, if you whistle indoor it is believed that you may face financial repercussions. So, beware next time when you are in a bubbly mood. Too much happiness may affect your pockets.
22. Sitting at the corner side of the table
In Russia and Hungry, it is believed that if you sit at the corner of a table there may be chances that you are always single and never gets an opportunity to get married. So, next time think twice before choosing a place to sit when you are up for dinner.
23. Placing chopsticks vertically
Never place chopsticks vertically in Japan. It is a sign of misfortune and bad luck. It is similar to the practice which is followed at the time of burning funerals.
Number 39 is associated with and is significant to prostitution in Afghanistan. Therefore, generally, people avoid this number.
25. Avoid Bad luck
One of the most effective ways of avoiding bad luck in Argentina is to touch your left testicle. Women can avoid evil by touching their left breast.
26. Treat animals with great care and love
In Romania, if you ill-treat animals then you will have hairy children. Maybe, this is how you can prevent animal abuse though.
27. Finding a ring in a container
If you are from India then you must be aware of these small friendly competitions that take place between the bride and groom just after their marriage. A ring is kept in a container filled with milk in such a way that you cannot trace the ring with a bare hand. Whoever finds out the ring first will always have a command and rule over his/her counterpart.
28. Broken mirrors
We often throw broken mirrors. But for those you who feel lethargic in disposing of scrap from your house, beware, because keeping broken mirrors in your house is a bad luck and invites evil in India.
29. Mirrors facing each other
Mirrors facing each other is a sign of the presence of a devil in Mexico and many other countries.
30. Lucky dog's poop
If you place your feet on a dog's poop be very particular about the foot which you have placed on it. Because in France keeping your left foot on a dog's poop by chance that means you will have a good luck but if it's your right foot nothing will go right.
31. Compliments
We often do this 'touch-wood' thing whenever someone compliments us for something. This is one of the widely acceptable superstition is prevailing all over the world. Isn't it strange that if someone compliments us for something we get insecure? It's only when we get to touch the wood that we get cool.
32. Let the other speak first
If one speaks at the same time as another then according to Greeks you need to hunt for something red and touch it asap.
33. Grooming days
In India, it is believed that if you trim your nails on Tuesdays and Saturdays then it might be possible that you may lose some of your small valuable possessions.
34. Hide the belly button
Beware children in Japan! If a child shows his/her belly button when it is storming outside, then the God of Thunder will definitely steal it. So, next time make your child wear full clothes.
35. Switch off the fan
In North and South Korea, it is a widely acceptable superstition that if you sleep and the fan is on then it could cause your death.
36. No birthdays before the official date
Wishing a person "Happy-Birthday" before his birthday or even celebrating it before the date may bring bad luck to the birthday man according to Russians.
37. Gifting sharp edged things
Be very particular while choosing a gift for someone special. Gifting sharp thing like, knife, scissors, etc can harm your relationship. One can also give a coin in return if one wants to avoid the harm.
38. Coming home after a funeral
In India, it is believed that if you go home right after a funeral then it may bring evil spirits to your house. Also, you should bathe and change your clothes after coming from such places.
39. "Cheers"
Don't play with this word. Never do "cheers" with water. According to German people if you do cheers with water then you are wishing bad luck and death to the other person you are accompanying.
40. Don't sit on cushions
In Malaysia, it is believed that if you sit on cushions then that may cause blisters, boils, and cuts on your back and buttocks. So, next time think twice before have a cozy seat.
41. Sleeping posture should be correct
Don't sleep facing your head to the north. According to Japanese, this was how the dead were suppose to be laid.
42. Don't hit a man with a broom
Never touch a broom to a man, even by mistake. People in Nigeria believe that hitting a man with a broom with make him impotent and sterile.
43. Owl's hotting
In Egypt, if you hear an owl's hoot then it is an indication of something bad that is going to happen.
44. Owl's Nest
If an owl decides to rest in any part of your house then you should smack him else a member of your family may die soon according to Italian people.
45. No goat's meat
For all the women this may be a beauty tip. Never eat goat's meat according to Rwandan people or it may be possible that you may grow beard similar to that of a goat.
46. Wedding Bells
In India, the bribe shakes her wedding bangles onto many girls. The girl on which the bangle falls is the next one to get married.
47. Don't tell anyone when you are traveling
While traveling just keep it a secret about your journey plans because in Senegal if you expose it to any of your friends then something bad may happen.
48. Hospital visit on Wednesdays
According to many nations, we should visit hospital only on Wednesday an this would surely bring a good news and would be beneficial for your health as well.
49. Carrying empty bucket
Don't carry an empty bucket. According to the Russians, it is a sign of bad luck. Also, close your eyes when you see someone carrying it.
50. Planting trees
Newlywed couples plant more and more trees. This will enhance your sexual life according to Holland and Switzerland. Anyway, this will definitely energize you and improve the air.
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