
Crime against Women in India

It's everywhere! In the news channels, in the print media or in any conduit of information



Priyanka Rele


It's everywhere! In the news channels, in the print media or in any conduit of information, brutal incidents against females are happening everywhere and every moment, whether you blame it on much discussed western influence, mobile phones or trouble inviting women.

The cycle of sins


Even now, right from the inception of life in her mother's womb, she faces the threat of being nipped in the bud any moment. Her life entirely hinges on the whims of people who decide on the possibility of her existence. And, as she grows up, she is vulnerable to pedophiles and molesters.


If she escapes that and steps into the blossoming phase of adolescence, she becomes an easy target for eve teasers. The story does not end there since the occurrence of acid attacks or molestation still preys the feminine gender whose mere existence seems to be an object of gratification. She stays vulnerable to a host of other atrocities like honor killings, forced prostitution, and slavery.


Through grit and endeavor, if she ever dares succeed and rise in life, the patriarchal society sees to it that her wings are clipped. Sexual harassment in the workplace is another inescapable menace that offends her self-esteem, which she is supposed to manage with.

And if she decides to settle with a groom, the dowry demand unfolds a new series of prospective crimes. The possibility of domestic violence lurks around and the tantrums of in-laws never cease to shatter her soul. If the extent of their greed surpasses morality, then the outcomes reveal the burnt corpse of the bride.


If she is fortunate enough to breathe instead and succeeds to conceive, the cycle begins again with sex detection and so on and so forth.

Did you notice that is one crime that went without a mention all through the cycle?



That is because RAPE is the only crime that can happen (and happens) at any stage in a girl's life.

A crime that has unspeakable repercussions on the mental and physical state of the survivor has become usual news on account of its frequency.

Culprits - They or We?

What aggravates the plight of the victim is our society's apathy to these grave issues. Social stigma towards the subject, deprecating comments from the learned hotshots, flawed analysis of the matter and social commentaries are a few reactions that we have witnessed so far. A lot has been extrapolated on the matter of sexual crimes against women, but we fail to realize that this subversion and commoditization of females is a violation of nature.

Retaliate and protest against any unfair treatment, indecency, or sexual harassment. Enough of candle night marches, faddish revolutions for change, and waning resentment. You are the change. Only you can bring change and for that, you must stand up for yourself TODAY!





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