
Stress and anxiety come as a package with our daily busy lives and multiple responsibilities. And, according to medical research, women are twice as likely to get anxiety and stress-related issues owing to multitasking.
Do try out one of these as 10 girls talk about their favorite stress busters.
Treat yourself to Spa-
Try it! "Get a manicure, pedicure, head massage, or full body spa, if time permits. Getting a foot spa and listening to music takes the stress away from me," affirms Sugandha Sinha, a senior executive in a multinational bank.
Exercising and walking
Namita, a homemaker, mother, and budding story writer, from Gurgaon asserts that exercising is the best remedy for bursting stress. “Yoga, Pranayam, walk, followed by reading a great book while sipping endless cups of tea!!! That works for me”, she expresses.
Prayer & Meditation
“A 10 -15 minute prayer and meditation will take you to another level and will prevent you from burning out”, emphasizes Rina, project manager in a telecom company.
Catch up with the cherished hobby that you’ve been missing for some time and make peace with your original self.
Of course! Dance comes naturally to girls and is a great remedy for women who love dancing. Priyanka, a Corporate Gifts Business owner from Simla says, “I dance and chat with friends for a break.”
Bedashree from Singapore is on sabbatical from her busy banking job to look after her two naughty boys. She resorts to painting when stressed, “I find painting very peaceful. It has a calming effect on me”.
Listen to music CD/ Radio
“When I want to break free I get all my favorite CDs, especially those associated with my college days, and listen to them. My good old memories are made alive and I am stress-free,” Nirupama tells Gurgaon.
“Music, either listening or singing myself and cycling work the best for me”, claims Seema Singh, General Manager at CNH.
Reading a book
Roli, mother of two young children and a homemaker echoes many stay-at-home moms’ feelings,“Who says being a homemaker and bringing up children is not stressful? And, I resort to reading a book to get close to myself and get away from the humdrum of life whenever I get time.,”
Watching a movie
“Sitting back on the couch and watching movies, especially comedy, is my way of escaping from the busyness of life”, states Neha, a freelance social media manager.
Cuddling with kids
We found this comment from Shalu Sharma, a senior finance executive from Dubai, very cute. She says, “Hugging my son, reading a good book and dancing take my stress away”.
A mere touch of a child is comforting. A cozy time with your child simply chatting or reading a storybook is a sure way to live one up.
Cooking your favorite meal
And, I say, “I find music in the food that I cook. Cooking some nice meal with good music is how I walk away from the daily schedule and derives immense pleasure to my family”.
Let us know what your favorite stress buster is. Comment on this article. Share it if you like it!
Photo credit - Stress Busters by thewoomag is a derivative of Stress by Finsec, used under creative commons - CC BY 2.0


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