To be funny or not to be funny? Top reasons why women avoid being funny.
And yet a few women are breaking stereotypes in offices & relationships.

A good sense of humour is a must-have quality to have, but of course for all the men out there, not for us ladies! For women, their skin, beauty and body parts are all that need to possess all the qualities to become an attractive human being. A perfect figure, the right complexion and how can we forget the cooking and managing skills we need to have to become that desirable figure in the eyes of the world.
Very often in the day to day life, the funny side of women is criticised and never appreciated. Being witty and spontaneous is not considered to be a good sign, rather it is a message denoting the rebellious and extrovert nature of the girl, which our society since ages finds difficult to digest and live with. It will surprise you that even researches have claimed that men are funnier than women. A research performed in the U.S states that a new personality trait that is glorified in men but punished in women is 'Humour'. It is saddening to know that men are celebrated for displaying their overconfidence and for spreading giggles across the room but the same traits if displayed by a woman makes her over-ambitious and even sometimes questions her character.
The society and some of its hideous norms have not let the women folk discover their funnier selves and put that out to the world with sheer confidence. This is very evident by the number of female comics in comparison to that of male comics in Bollywood and even in the digital media these days. If asked to number popular female faces in the field of comedy, you would easily recall four, five or even six names but you will get tired of counting the names when it comes to the male comics. The scenario is no doubt improving with the vigorous advent of the social and digital media and other platforms like comedy clubs in different cities in regional languages too, but any prominent change will take time to be visible.
There are numerous factors which are responsible for the steps that women could never take ahead in the realm of comedy. Few of them which I feel and you too would like to agree are listed down: Fear of being judged. Since the time girls are born, they are bound to hear and abide by the rules and parameters of how they should behave, what is right, what is wrong and a hell of suggestions and advice. All these noises in the head inject a sense of fear of judgement. Girls who have a natural funny instinct tend to hide that side of themselves from the world thinking that is not the right mannerism for them to display.
Conservative parents/spouse
Girls are many a time, not found doing what they want and exploring what they dream of because they lack support from the family. Women want to have fun, enjoy themselves to the fullest, want to go on solo trips and roam around with their bunch of buddies. But, the sad part is that they are unable to do so because their parents or in some cases partners do not consider this to be right and safe for girls. Even if these women are independent and living on their own, they lack that absolute faith from their family, which restricts them from being their true selves.
Reinforced standards of society
The society has always influenced the norms and behaviour women should display in public. These standards are everywhere reminded to a girl, wherever she goes. This brings down the confidence and even the desire of many women to do what pleases them.
Prioritising others
We as women play different roles while living our life. Be it a daughter, mother, sister, friend, girlfriend, wife and many other too. One commonality among all these roles is that we forget to value our own choices and happiness while valuing the needs and sentiments of all those attached to us. This refrains us from finding our true happiness. Being funny is a gift and that needs intellect, if you are a blessed soul having the gift of comedy, explore that and prioritise yourself for once. This is an emerging field that will fetch you name, fame and independence.
However, comics like Aditi Mittal, Neeti Palta, Sumukhi Suresh, Kusha Kapila, Dolly Singh, Kaneez Surkha, Mallika Dua are among the current internet comic sensations. They have started paving a way in the right direction. Hope these ladies achieve way more and get the world's support in converting the world into an unbiased platform for comedy.


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