
Helicopter Parenting : How it can stunt your child growth?





Let me ask you a question, "How far do you think a mom would go in pursuit of her children's welfare?" Helicopter Eela is the screen adaptations of Anand Gandhi's play Beta Kagado, is the story of a single mother and her relentless pursuit of her son's welfare. Kajol (Eela) decides to know all about her son's life. She follows her 20-year old son Vivaan (Riddhi Sen) in his social life as well as life online crosses her boundaries. Do you think this is an exaggeration no mother would actually do? Think again for there is an actual term for this intense interference known as helicopter parenting! If you are a helicopter parent or on your way to becoming one, it is time to stop and re-evaluate- to helicopter or not to helicopter!

Pros of helicopter parenting

Mom Knows Best

You know what the best is for your child and you can guide them to make the perfect life choices. Eela's logic to make Vivaan obey her is, Because I said so! However, are these perfect choices really what your child wants or needs?

Good from Bad

You have been through the turbulent teens and pangs of adulthood and you know the game like the back of your hand. You can protect your child from negative influences. Like Eela and every mother ever says, If your friends jumped off a cliff, would you do it?

Never Miss the Important Events in Your Baby's Life

You are privy to everything from your baby's first steps to their first breakup. You are their best friend. Also, you are in touch with the child within you.

Be an Unfaltering Support

You are their pillar no matter what. You get to remedy all their sleepless nights, nervous breakdowns, depressions or pre-exam pangs.

Once Bitten Twice Shy

You have been in your baby's shoes and you have done it all. You know exactly what goes wrong and what never works out. You can protect your child from all wrong decisions and heartbreaks. Although, be careful to not trap your child in a cycle of What ifs. 

Cons of helicopter parenting

Dependency Issues

You have always been there for them. Therefore, they do not know how to do a thing without you. Worse, you do not know how to do a thing without them. As your children grow up, their center of the world is bound to shift from you. Are the both of you prepared to face the world without each other?

Sense of Entitlement

Your children think they are entitled to all your time and love. You think you are entitled to all their love and attention. Neither is true and the problem arises when either of you are unable to accept that. Also, your child thinks they will get the same attention from the world outside, which you know is completely untrue.

Inability to Fight Their Own Battles

It is a mother's natural tendency to protect her children, but sometimes struggles are all they need to toughen up for the future. Let them make mistakes and encourage them to solve it. It is one thing to support your child and a completely different thing to fight all their battles for them.

Unable to Dream

You mould your child to fulfill your dreams or push them to do what you think is the best for them. Your child becomes unable to dream their own dreams and do the things that inspire them. They can end up severely unhappy with their (or probably your) life choices, something you do not want.


Soon enough, your excessive love and interference become suffocating for your baby. As Neha Dhupia's Lisa Marine puts it beautifully. It will push your child away from you and can probably cause irreparable damage to your relationship if you do not remedy this habit. All in all Helicopter Eela is a delightful watch and the bonding between a mother and her son is depicted beautifully. Kajol and Riddhi Sen hit a home run with their performances. The movie has its shares of comedy and the humour comes naturally. You feel the typical Pradeep Sarkar warmth intertwined in the storytelling. Although certain portions risk being overtly melodramatic, Helicopter Eela is a fairly pleasant watch and something all mothers will relate to- helicopter or not. If you have been looking for an opportunity to reconnect with your little one who is not that little anymore, book your tickets without a second thought!

P.S. Parting parenting tip

Parenting is a battle you do not know the rules of. All you have are love, faith in your child and experience from your own life. You are simply there to explore your options and make the best of it. It is okay to make mistakes as a parent and own up to it.

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