
How to lose weight naturally after pregnancy?





A baby bump brings along with itself a roller coaster of emotions, confused hormones, a myriad of mixed feelings and some extra kilos. The sweet memories of delivery and childbirth are followed by a plump body and a tired face staring back at you in the mirror. But let's accept it, upholding a healthy weight after pregnancy is quite an overwhelming task for a majority of the women.

Research has it that most women shed half of their baby weight by six weeks following the childbirth (postpartum) and the remaining weight loss happens only after several months depending on the nutrition and lifestyle choices. To help you get back to your fitter self and enjoy a fast-paced life with your little angel, THEWOOMAG has compiled a list of eight essential tips for shedding the extra kilos post childbirth.

1. Ditch the Crash Diets

Crash dieting might seem like the easiest way to lose those bulges and belly fat but trust us, it will backfire. In the simplest terms, crash diets are super low-calorie diets aimed at helping you shed a good amount of weight in the quickest span of time. However, post delivery, your body craves healthy nutrition to recover and restore from the pregnancy. Furthermore, if you are breastfeeding, you need to be on high calorie diet. A diet low in calorie lacks essential nutrients and will end up making you feel more tired than usual. This is exactly contrary to your body's requirements while being sleep deprived and looking after a newborn.

2. Eat Your Vitamins

A healthy platter packed with the goodness of essential vitamins, protein, omega-3 fatty acids, calcium and fiber will do wonders to your postpartum body. Avoid consuming tantalizing foods that make you feel full without doing much good to your body and instead stick to superfoods that will benefit both you and your little one. A few must-haves on your cart should be yogurt, eggs, beans, spinach, gourd, mangoes, sprouts, and chicken. These foods will not only boost up your energy levels (a dire need during postpartum), but will also help you burn the unwanted fat and turn into a fitter, healthier mommy.  

3. Start Exercising but Start Easy

 After pregnancy and childbirth, your muscles probably turn sore due to all the pressure they've undergone. At such a sensitive time, a little movement helps your sore muscles loosen up and recover from the pain. Start easy with basic hand and leg movements and then shift to basic yoga, aerobics and swimming. You can also try slow dancing to soothing tunes that both you and your baby will cherish. Go easy on yourself and stick to slow movements for a few months. Since every pregnancy is special and unique, make it a point to consult your doctor before going ahead with any sort of exercise. 

4. Hydrate Yourself

 As the overwhelming and beautiful phase of motherhood kicks in, your life with literally revolve around the newborn, with his/her sleeping/waking hours and feedings hours deciding your schedule. In the middle of taking care of your infant's needs, don't forget everyday basics like drinking 7 to 8 glasses of water per day. An easy trick is to set reminders all across your house, for instance, an image of a person drinking water pasted across your kitchen can serve as a hint for you to drink the magic potion. Not only will this flush out fluids from your body, but it will also enhance your metabolism and manage your weight effectively. 

With a newborn's crazy sleeping and waking up hours, you might not get enough rest during the night. But as your little angel naps peacefully for a few hours during the afternoon (most of the infants nap during the afternoon), make sure you also sneak out a few hours and get some sleep. Assign all the important household chores to your friends and family so that you've got some hours to recharge and restore. A healthy sleeping schedule will improve your metabolism and speed up the weight loss process.

6. Baby Weight Training 

A gym might seem like a faraway memory with so many responsibilities and tasks hovering over you at this point of time. What's more? You do not even need to use those bulky dumbbells yet. Rather, use your little baby to help burn some kilos. Lift your little one closely and steadfastly to your chest and do a perform lunges every day. Alternatively, you can also lie down on your back and cradle your infant up and down. Be sure you're gentle on both yourself and your little. Seek your health care provider's approval before indulging in any sort of exercise.

7. Snack Healthy

As a new mommy with endless to-dos, you'll feel the hungriest you've ever felt in your entire life. While those appealing desserts and the enticing pizza might seem like constantly calling out to you, try to control your unhealthy snacking urges by keeping yourself full with the healthier meals. For recess or high tea, you can stick to the nutritious snacks like low-fat roasted beans, savory nuts, roasted sweet potato, or flavoured yogurt. Remember, at this point of time, no other food will serve as you as good as a bowl of freshly chopped fruits.

8. Breastfeeding

Nature knows best how to bring things back to equilibrium and your body knows how to adapt to different situations. If you choose to breastfeed, the hormones released during the process make your uterus muscles contract, thus helping you lose weight faster than ever. You'll seem to resume your pre-pregnancy body and your stomach will appear much slimmer. What's more? The activity of breastfeeding uses up calories, thus further helping with the process of shedding weight. The new phase of motherhood brings the pleasures and excitements of looking at your little angel and marveling at his adorable little hands and cute features. While excelling at motherhood, sneak in a few minutes every day to watch out for your health, weight and nutrition. Follow our abovementioned steps and tread towards a fitter, happier and healthier maternity. Did you find this article helpful? Lets us know.




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