
Is Santa Claus real?

What is the truth behind their starry night gifting machine, Santa?





Christmas trees, tree skirt, tinsel, garlands along with the sparkly eyes are waiting with zeal for their own Santa Clause. Santa Clause is no more limited to the north pole!

He is part of every child's fantasy. Movies, cartoons and stories add to their curiosity and excitement. They have so many questions to ask and puzzle you as parents. Many a time you may not know how to answer their innocent questions without blurring their dreams. So, what should you tell your child about Santa Clause. This time we will make things easier for you by helping you know and understand that what shall you tell your child about Santa Clause and mystery involved.

"Studying in a cathedral school which was under the jurisdiction of the Roman Catholic Diocese, I was always very enthusiastic for this day and especially for the Santa Clause. There was a Christmas- wave that use to spread all over from mid-December and continued till the day. Born in a Hindu family I had never celebrated Christmas at my home as a kid. But that never blurred my excitement. The school programs and facilitation made us very happy and zealous."

Does Santa exist?

What to tell your child about Santa?

We all know that you are the Santa of your child. The secret Santa. We know that it is the only living part of their fairy tale world. But, is it right to tell them the truth. It is your choice to either continue the game of Santa every Christmas or reveal the truth. When you feel your little one is ready to accept the truth, in gentle way, you may start with telling the real story of saint Nicholas. As child's casual reasoning develops he is himself able to make a difference between the two. Gradually, tell them who their Santa for life is. Then, make it fun event for yourself and also don't forget to fulfill his wish on the very day.

When will Santa arrive with my gift?

What to tell your child about Santa?

Kids are always eager to receive their gifts from Santa. They start praying for the thing they want from a long time before the X'mas day and it gets very difficult for them to wait and let their gifts arrive. So, they keep asking their parents as to when Santa will arrive and fulfill their wish. You can answer it according to your ability. One of my friend received a letter from Santa on the Christmas morning saying, "Dear child, I got too busy. I will now brong your gift on New Year". She was couldn't stop jumping with joy and told the whole world how she got a personalised letter from Santa.

Can Santa Gift me an I Pod or Mercedes?

What to tell your child about Santa?

Simply tell your child that the Santa loves all children, rich and poor, equally and has to carry lots of gifts to children everywhere in the world. It is not possible to give some children very expensive and big gifts and others small.

When will I get to meet Santa?

What to tell your child about Santa?

Simply, tell your child that Santa is too busy because of X-mas day. He has to distribute gifts to all children and so he cannot meet anyone. And, may be one day they get to meet him...that means you the Santa of their lives. Every child is different in his own way and being a parent to your child you very well know how to handle them in different situations. Your child is always in the process of growing up and they do understand things. Maybe somewhere they know that there is no real Santa but still they believe in it, it is this dualist nature which makes them a child. They love and believe in magical things so help them and live together with them in their wonderworld.

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