
Women, Beware of these Five Deadly diseases





With changing times, women have assumed greater roles and responsibilities at the professional front, which has doubled their stress. Today, they have set a paradigm that was never set before. In India, though women besides being dedicated professionals put in their heart and soul as home makers to build a happy and prosperous family, but give least priority towards their own health. So, there is an urgent need for women's health care and we women need to take actions towards a better health.

TheWOOMag brings your attention to the Five Most deadly diseases that are increasingly taking women?s lives every year.



More women are diagnosed with heart diseases than men. Heart disease is one of the primary reasons for female deaths. Symptoms could be simply, shortness of breath, experience of angina, pain in the neck, in the upper abdomen or back. Chest pain can also be an indication of heart diseases.

There can be several reasons for this problem including physical inactivity, heart defects, diabetes, high blood pressure, excess intake of alcohol, stress, smoking, etc.

Prevention: Women should avoid any of these for a better and healthy heart. It is advised to have a proper diet plan accordingly, if one is diagnosed with a heart problem.



Lung cancer is the second leading cause for women's death. More women die of lung cancer, than all the other cancers combined. Cough that stays for more than two weeks, change in breathing pattern, pain in the chest, shoulder or back area are the symptoms of lung cancer. Wheezing due to too much blockage along with deepening of voice can be another sign. Enlarged lymph nodes, chest wall and ribs also indicate lung cancer. Patient can experience sudden weight loss of around 10 pounds or more.

Women should avoid smoking cigarettes as it is one of the main causes of lung cancer. Exposure to excessive in factories also causes lung cancer. Women in the backward areas work in factories and gas plants have high exposure to harmful elements like tobacco smoke or asbestos, radon gas etc



Breast cancer that generally develops around 50 or after menopause is the most common type of cancer among women. Those women who have breast lumps or dense breast tissue are more prone to it. Although having lumps is not a sure shot sign of breast cancer. Similarly pain in the breasts does not surely mean breast cancer. Cancer is genetically related. So, women with breast cancer as family history do stand some chances of developing it.

Early start of menstrual cycle and late menopause can also cause breast cancer as it exposes one to estrogen, which in excess, leads to this. Women who gain weight after menopause should be careful as it is one of the causes. Also, women who are taller than the average height, have more chances of developing breast cancer than the ones who are shorter. Alcohol is another major reason. Cosmetic surgery reduces the probability of survival, in case one is diagnosed. Too much exposure to radiation for example, X-rays and CT scans make the chances higher.

Thickened tissue or a change in shape of the breast is symptoms of breast cancer; lumps, though they are not always cancerous, discharge from the nipples that is often mixed with blood are indicative of breast cancer. Oftentimes women tend to ignore signs like pain in the breast, armpits or dimpling of breasts, which can be very harmful. Further if one notices a rash on or around the nipple, sinking in of nipples or any kind of distortion, doctor should be consulted right away.



leading to fractures. Women are four times more likely to develop osteoporosis than men. It generally occurs after women reach menopause or after the age of 75, when bones become very weak.

Osteoporosis can be treated easily using medication and healthy diet, but women should be careful with their bone health. Most of the Indian women stop drinking milk or taking dairy products after marriage, owing to various reasons. This makes them more vulnerable to this problem. Therefore, women should take calcium and vitamin D in ample amounts; they should take a balanced diet, and should avoid taking alcohol or smoking.

Osteoporosis is mostly a silent disease, but pain in the back, loss of height, and fractures are major symptoms. Besides these, sudden strains or falls in the back, leading to fractures, collapsing of vertebra, deformities in the spinal, etc.

Though an age related problem, more of younger women are getting it because of lifestyle issues. Long usage of steroids also makes one vulnerable to it. If one's parents or grandparents had fractures in the hip or any such history, there are more chances of developing osteoporosis.


Every woman in her lifetime experiences depression at least once. Women are twice as likely as men when it comes to depression. The reasons are social pressures, reproductive hormones, female response to stress and other such factors.

It is basically a prolonged state of sadness, guilt, fatigue, and feeling low for no reason. The symptoms of depression are low mood, guilt, hopelessness, or disheartenment, along with lack of energy, fatigue and suicidal thoughts. It is also marked by disturbance in sleep, that is, insomnia or excessive sleeping, loss of interest in things that one was earlier fond of.

In most depression cases, hormones are to be blamed. Whether in PMS (premenstrual syndrome) that lasts more than usual in some cases; during pregnancy or post natal and even in case of infertility causes; or at menopause, there are chances of depression. When suffering from major diseases or chronic illnesses, one is bound to feel depressed. Aside from all this, social causes like marriage, relationship, work stress, lack of sleep, money problems that last longer than expected or death of loved ones can cause depression.

Depression can be easily treated with medication, counseling and lots of family support.

With these five mega diseases knocking on practically every woman?s door, women should not only be more aware about the health hazards, but need to take preventive measured to avoid them. Once diagnosed, an early medical intervention and regulated lifestyle can prove to be a life savor.




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