
How To Start Your Wedding Planning Business





With crimson fireworks, illuminated lightings, brightly colored lehengas, and scrumptious food, Indian weddings are a gorgeous, larger-than-life affair. Right from the days of celebrations, be it choreography, Mehendi, haldi, to the venue, catering, decoration, guest management, you see everything so well coordinated. So well planned! Who did it? None other than the wedding planner. Did you hear yourself say, "I want to be a wedding planner"? Wedding planning as a career is very lucrative in the Indian market given the numbers of wedding happening are so big. A little investment with few vendors and lots of ideas is the basic key to setting up your wedding planning business.

THEWOOMAG gives you an insight into how you can start your wedding planning business.

1. Start Working With a Wedding Planner to Gain Hands-on Experience

This need not be the first necessary step but it for sure is a basic step that will help you achieve a milestone in your own venture. Learning about the wedding industry from someone else and knowing how it functions can give you hands-on experience and confidence in various matters. You can intern with some professional event planners or wedding planners as a coordinator or assistant to learn from the experts how they carry their work. When you are on site, always jot down the important points and try to communicate with the vendors and establish good connections with them. This will give you an idea of the incurring costs and the required sources for your venture.

2. Form Your Own Dream Wedding Planning Company

Give your company a name and get an attractive logo designed for it. Get your business registered with all the legal formalities to ensure that your clients can place trust in your venture. A great business results from the efforts given by its team members. Make sure that the vendors and professionals whom you hire are accomplished in their fields and will never disappoint you at any point in time. Develop great-looking business ideas with your team and come up with best-designed adds and brochures to persuade people into hiring you.

3. Define Your Financial Goals As a Wedding Planner

Managing your finance is a really important step in any planning business. You need to set your goals, map down a structure for the expenses and also ensure to keep a backup reserve for your venture. Define how much you want to earn and how much and where you want to spend, where the money will come from, how you will pay back etc. The reserves will serve you to manage unexpected losses that might occur in the future. You can either charge a flat fee or a percentage based on the overall cost of the wedding event. Keep in mind all the financial analysis and plan a realistic financial goal.

4. Profit Calculation for your wedding planner business

There's one more point not to miss while considering about finances. In the wedding planning business, your profit and earnings are all based on the simple mathematics that you choose to apply. You can essentially multiply the cost of the full-service package or you can offer minimized cost in the initial stages of business. But don't forget, choosing one single path before going ahead. If you feel your business needs a push to make its way to become people's favorite, then start with some offers and discounts. It really works to get along in the market.

5. Prepare your Wedding Planner Portfolio

Grab your hands on some of the best works you've done up to date and create a beautiful album out of it. Make sure you mention all the details on that album as in with whom you've worked, for whom you've worked and when you've worked. Don't forget to include testimonials from your Your sample work is like a gateway for you to impress your clients and convince them to appoint you as a wedding planner. Mention the details about your team and their services as well which is like giving some extra information about your venture and building a mutual trust among your clients. Trust me, it helps a lot in standing out in comparison to your competitors.

6. Location Scouting for the weddings

This might seem to be a basic step, but it is one the most required part to take care of in your business. Look out for the best location and spots for wedding photography and note it down carefully. Take your team along with you and visit different wedding halls and banquets to keep a ready-made record to present your clients with the best options. You may come across people who have a certain idea on how and where they want their wedding to be and at the same time there are also clients who might completely rely on you to make these arrangements. Remember, A little work beforehand can do wonders.

7. Create Your Wedding planning Website and Get Social

Build in your own website or social space on various social media platforms and start marketing your venture. The more emphasis you give to the marketing of your company, the more will people know about you. Do a little research on how your competitors are dealing with the clients on social media and what all they have included in their portfolios. You can always try doing something extra and creative, advertise on paper, distribute business cards or you can also launch your venture publically. Make sure your website is interactive and creative after all, Wedding is all about different styles and theme for different days and rituals. Meanwhile, also look out for potential vendors and set up meetings with them to launch your business and promote it among more people. Your success in wedding planning business always depends upon your potential to build a strong relationship with people around and their services for you.

8. Investor for your wedding planning business. Not A Bad Idea

Passionate about setting up a business but lacking behind in financial resources. Don't worry, there's a solution for this too. If you don't believe your funds to be enough to set up a well-organized business, then look out for some potential investors. An investor can help you to grow your business with more funds and support you in your journey of success. Remember, never settle down for something less in this business. The more you invest, the better will your future returns be. With our compilation of the best tips for starting a wedding planning business, you're now all set to launch your venture. So what are you waiting for? Build your team, jot down your goals and let the magic flow.  




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