
How Strong Women Look at Relationships? Better to be strong than weak.

It's OKAY to assert and take stance in your relationships.





Dior, check Coffee, check. Attitude, double check. What does it take to be a strong woman? Often misunderstood and stereotyped as heartless, strong women have the biggest and the most accepting hearts of all. Not only are they fiercely independent, but they also bring a lot to the table. They set their heart and soul into believing in themselves and in others. Strong women are resilient, unbreakable, perseverant, persistent and unwaveringly committed to themselves and their work. And when it comes to relationships, strong women are not the ones to settle for less or play cupid to weak boys, because they know they've got a whole lot to offer.

Strong women love and respect themselves

I think you have to love yourself before you fall in love. I?m still learning to love myself.  - Serena Williams


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A wholehearted acceptance of someone takes more than just love, it requires respect too. Strong women respect themselves enough to know that there can be certain flaws within them that might not be open to validation by others, but they love themselves enough to know that it's okay. The same way, they respect everything about their partners and love them with an unwavering commitment.

Strong women are not afraid of letting go.

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Knowing that piling up fear of letting go certainly does not help anyone get anywhere. When a relationship gets toxic and negative, strong women know when to leave. They know that it might be hard, but they also know that letting go is the right option because they don't want to be consumed by toxicity and negativity that would prevent them from living their best life and achieving the goals that they know they want to achieve. Strong women are resilient and know that it's worth it. They certainly don't have the time to waste in a perseverant life like theirs.

Strong women stand up for themselves


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Strong women can stand up for themselves when situations get tough or when nobody else might stand by them. When they know that they are right, they will fight down to the strength of every bone in their body to make sure that they are heard and well understood. They believe in the integrity of their goals. They continually find ways to invest in themselves and learn something new every day to keep growing and broadening their horizons.

Strong women have unshakeable faith

Faith in themselves, faith in how everything will finally turn out for them, faith in their partners. Their faith shows up in their relationships too. They don't turn to drama when things look a little messy in relationships. They sit down and have a talk about where things need to be fixed and why. They keep in mind that even after facing several hardships, they still moved through it and learned from it. They know for a fact that it might take some time, but in the end, they will always find a reason to be happy. 

Strong women have strong value Systems

Strong women know what values they hold and what they believe in. They live in incredible sync and harmony with their value systems. They don't act against their beliefs and are in complete control of their emotions. They don't just act out of the blue, leaving their partner confused. If they are not sure about certain things, they take their time and evaluate before speaking out and don't leave anyone in a spotty ground. They know exactly what they want and communicate with their significant other about the same, leaving space for no confusion but only love and happiness.

Strong women don't depend on others for their happiness


They don't expect their partner to be the only reason for happiness in their life. Yes, being with them makes them happy, but strong women find happiness from within and do things to make themselves happy and comfortable within their own skin. They are attracted to positive and uplifting people and make their distance with negative people.

Strong women aren't afraid to let their flaws be known


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Strong women respect everyone, and that starts from respecting themselves. They understand that everyone has certain flaws and don't grow insecure because of them. They own up to their mistakes and try to improve themselves to be in complete harmony with themselves and their partners.

Strong women believe in equality

They preach an equal relationship that requires equal respect, equal trust, and equal love. They don't seek to get validation from their significant others or require them to complete their lives. Their partners add up to their already complete life and add value to their connection. Giving and receiving are important aspects of their lives and they expect their relationships to be the same. 

Strong women express their unflinching feelings without much ado

They are unafraid of what people might think about them or the stereotypes they hold about her. They act as they are and express true feelings without any hesitation. It's hard to influence them and their feelings because they don't easily let people ruin what they think about themselves and their self-worth. She is unafraid of sharing her deepest secrets and her wildest emotions. Apart from paying heed to her own emotions, a strong woman also looks to explore her partner's emotions. She aims to be honest and comfortable with her partner and does everything possible to increase harmony within her relationships, not only with her significant other but also her relationships with friends and family.


Turning into a fearless, strong woman takes persistent hard work and endurance, but in the end, it has implausible awards in terms of consistent and rewarding relationships. Just defy the stereotypes and take a stride forward. We believe in you, lady!




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